
Soothe a Sore Throat With Herbal Ice Cream

Herbal medicine and ice cream don’t usually overlap. Ice cream has a lot of sugar and generally isn’t very healthy. But sometimes you’re sick and miserable, and you just need some good comfort food. Plus, the cold of ice cream can really soothe a sore throat.

So if you’ve decided to indulge in ice cream anyway, why not make the most of things by turning it into a delicious, frozen medicine?

When choosing an herb for herbal ice cream, we will need to find something that meets two very important criteria.

  1. The herb has to taste good. I can’t imagine anyone craving dock root ice cream.
  2. The herb has to help with your illness or its symptoms.

For this ice cream, let’s choose elderberry.

We’ll even make 2 different versions—elderberry and elder flower. Elderberry ice cream will have a great taste and the flu-battling power that elderberries are known for.1)Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism the Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2003. Our elder flower version will have a gentler medicinal effect and flavor. The flowers will also give it an enticing texture.

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Elder Flower Ice Cream

Since flowers come before berries, let’s start with the flower ice cream first. For this recipe, you will need:

1 c. heavy whipping cream
3 c. half & half
3/4 c. sugar
1 pinch of salt
2 squirts of vanilla extract
1 c. elder flowers

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Be sure to remove any pieces of stem still clinging to the flowers. Stir the ingredients together in a bowl, then pour them into an ice cream maker. Let the machine run for 30 minutes, or until the ice cream starts clumping and building up on itself.

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Then, scoop your ice cream into a container and pop it into the freezer to firm up. I should have a picture of my ice cream here, but it was so delicious that we accidentally ate it all up before I took a picture.

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Elderberry Ice Cream

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Elderberry ice cream follows the same recipe we used above, but we substitute a cup of elderberry syrup in place of the elder flowers. You can buy elderberry syrup or make your own. And let’s be honest. Making your own is a lot more fun. If you’re not sure how to make elderberry syrup, check out this article for instructions:

Read More: “Elderberry Syrup, the Magic Elixir” (With Recipe)

(Or, check out the Making Herbal Medicine Kit to get the elderberries, bottles, labels, step-by-step video instructions, and everything else you’ll need to make elderberry syrup—plus several other essential home medicines—shipped right to your door!)

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Your finished ice cream may have the slightest elderberry color remaining. It’s something like the ghost of pink. If you desire a darker ice cream—more reminiscent of your elderberry syrup—you can add a natural food coloring, such as beet juice. With four kids, I skip the beet juice to avoid the inevitable stains.

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Now, let’s talk dosing. With a ratio of 1 part elder to (basically) 4 parts other ingredients . . . taking into account the standard dosage for elder products . . . carry the one . . . convert that to metric . . . .

Okay. Got it. The recommended dosage is to eat it until you feel better. At least that’s how we do it at my house.

Some of you will want real numbers. I can respect that. A lot of people take 1 tablespoon of elderberry syrup four times a day when sick. Assuming that’s you, this would become 1/3 cup of elderberry ice cream, four times a day. But, seriously, who eats 1/3 cup of ice cream?

When I’m sick, I’m not measuring out careful portions. But that’s me. If you’re sensitive to elderberries, or just being cautious, you might opt for the elder flower version. Elder flowers have a much more delicate effect and are often used with children.

More Options

What else can you do with this? (I love options. Don’t you?)

Once you’ve had success with elder flower ice cream, why not expand into other edible flowers? It would be easy to replace elder flowers with rose petals, wood sorrel blooms, dandelion petals, or violets. You could even make a wildflower mix. Imagine the reaction that would create at your next get-together!

In place of elderberry syrup, you could use a strong herbal tea.

I emphasize strong. You want the maximum amount of plant extract for the water content.

You’ll want to reduce the water content down as much as possible. The reason for this is that the high water content of an herbal tea can make your ice cream more ice than cream. Elderberry syrup, with its higher sugar content, tends to have less of an effect in this regard.

You can also use tinctures in herbal ice cream. Tinctures and flavor extracts are created in basically the same way. Use them as you would any flavoring. So instead of reaching for that almond extract in your spice cabinet, why not reach into your tincture cabinet (everybody has one of those, right?) and make chamomile ice cream?

I feel that I should probably add just a word of caution here. While the tincture will be diluted through your ice cream, you should still use some common sense caution with plants that you choose. Tinctures are very powerful concentrates of plant constituents. Use good judgment, and consult an herbalist if you are unsure about a tincture.

Herbal ice cream may not be guilt-free, but it certainly is guilt-reduced. Why not give it a try the next time you need a pick-me-up?

Have you ever made your own medicinal ice cream? Do you have any ideas for other wildcrafty ice creams? Let me know in the comments, and we’ll have a virtual ice cream social!

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1 Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism the Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2003.
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This post was written by Scott Sexton


  • Heather Duro says:

    I love the article, however , sugar is a NO NO when one has a sore throat. Sugar weakens the immune system and also produces an inflammatory response in the body , using elderberry is only cancelling out the negative effects of using the sugar.

    Easy replacement, Try using Manuka Honey (at the least raw organic) in place of the sugar at least its antibiotic, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties to sooth and heal the sore throat rather than prolong it 🙂

    Happy Healing

    1. Scott Sexton says:

      All too true, Heather. I try to get my wife and kids to cut back on sugars and carbs when they’re sick. Alas, I’m not much better. Maybe we should all do the Conquering Sugar certification.

      It does get me thinking, though. I’ve heard of some pretty weird ice-cream flavors that are supposed to be surprisingly good. I wonder if a strongly anti-inflammatory herb like turmeric would make a decent ice-cream. I’m a little scared to try it. But I’m also curious. And with me, curiosity usually wins.

      That’s a good tip about the honey. I remember trying that before, but it’s been a while. I don’t recall if I needed to gently warm the honey to help it mix properly, or not. I bet the cinnamon in my elder syrup would go really well with honey.

      Thanks for the great comment, Heather!

      1. Heather Duro says:

        Hmmm..ill bet turmeric ice cream tastes like golden milk! so that is an absolute MUST! Plus full fat coconut milk is GREAT for making ice-cream and for the vegans its approved..some nutmeg and cinnamon..YUM now im getting hungry!
        and coconut milk is a great remedu for colds..

        “Coconut milk contains lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid, which have antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. The body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which may fight the viruses and bacteria that cause herpes, influenza and even HIV”

        Getting honey to incorporate may be a bit tricky but im sure you can get it working wonderfully. honey is usually more of a problem when you are heating something ..in this case make the Golden Milk and put that mixture into an ice cream maker you can also use maple syrup over honey it incorporates better.

  • peppypoblano says:

    There is something about cold creamy goodness when you have a sore throat. Fabulous suggestions!

    1. Tasha Greer says:

      I just got an ice cream maker. I’ve been making lots of goat milk ice cream to keep us cool in the absurd heat we’ve been having.

      I’ll have to adapt this recipe for goats milk when my elderberry shrubs flower next year! I also converted all the fruit that my ducks didn’t eat to wine this year, so I wonder if I could make elderberry wine ice cream? Would that have any medicinal benefits…or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

      Thanks for the great info!

      1. Scott Sexton says:

        Goat milk ice-cream sounds fun!

        I’ve never tried elderberry wine, but I hear people swear by it. I know that grape juices and wines share medicinal properties, so why not elderberries? It’s probably worth a try. 😉

  • erika.wessels says:

    Sounds really great, planted 2 Elderberries this year so will keep this in mind when they start to flower and have berries

    1. Scott Sexton says:

      I think you’ll really enjoy those elderberries. I planted two several years ago, and they’ve just grown and grown. I’ve made several cuttings off of them, and now I have all the flowers and berries I can handle. Naturally, I share with the birds. I hope yours do just as well for you.

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