Homesteading Blog

Browse Our Sustainable Living Blog

When it comes to living self-sustainably, there are so many different factors that are necessary to ensure your success. We understand that managing all the aspects of homesteading can be very overwhelming. To make it easier to start, and continue, your journey, we’ve broken down the elements of sustainable living into bite-sized chunks on our homesteading blog. 

Explore articles that delve into methods for growing your own food, making your own remedies, caring for your soil, composting everything (even the stuff you’re “not supposed to compost”), and so much more. Browse our entire collection of sustainable living blogs to discover some of the most comprehensive resources for building your eco-friendly way of life.

Marjory Wildcraft on Food Independence – Walden Publishing Podcast
date_range July 23, 2016
view_list Growing Food

The Path Towards Self-Reliance Walden Publishing is a ne

Guess Who Creates 2 Tons of Food Waste Every Second?
date_range July 20, 2016
view_list Food

We Waste a Lot of Food The Guardian published an eye opening piece last week about food waste in America. As you'll see, the state o

Homesteading Basics: The Morakniv
Marjory Wildcraft
date_range July 20, 2016
view_list Homesteading Skills

The Homesteading Basics Tool of the Month Cutting away dead branches, cutting open feed bags, opening product packaging, chopping up vegetab

9 Simple Ways Anyone Can Conserve Water
Anthony Tamayo
date_range July 15, 2016
view_list Garden Design

Let's Stop Wasting Water Many of us still think of fresh water as something that we'll never run out of. We turn the faucet, the water flows

How to Make Your Own Nutrition Supplement Company
date_range July 08, 2016
view_list General Health and Nutrition

Want to Make Some Fast Money? Have you ever noticed how expensive those big bottles of nutrition supplements are? If so, have you ever though

Eating Bugs – Little Herds Brings a Ninth Serving to Austin
date_range July 08, 2016
view_list Events

Have You Had Your Bugs Today? Keep Austin weird, eat healthier, and save the planet... all by eating delicious and nutritious edible insects!

How I Got A Venomous Snake Bite, Treated It At Home, and Lived To Tell The Tale (Part 2)
date_range July 06, 2016
view_list Medicine

The Intense Pain of a Copperhead Bite The pain was becoming loud, and it was filling up the room and bouncing off the walls. I began writhin

Our Expertise

Marjory Wildcraft founded The Grow Network with a purpose and a mission in mind. Our company was created to stop the destruction of our planet, prevent the extinction of the human race, overhaul modern medicine, and fight against the root causes of modern diseases. Our team is composed of passionate individuals with tons of expertise in their field. Every one of our team members is passionate about our homesteading blog, permaculture farming, and sustainable living in general. Everyone contributes to our Community, sharing ideas, developing guides, and creating videos.

Growing a Community

In addition to the advice you can find on our homesteading and permaculture blog, we also started a forum to help community members find answers to some of their most burning questions. We understand that each of you is operating in a unique environment and needs answers to personalized concerns. Find a new home online with our homesteading blog and the eco-friendly community at The Grow Network today!