
Stress Management: When Wildfires Threaten … Do This First

The horizon around me was choked with dark smoke.

We were literally surrounded by five separate wildfires. I needed stress management and fast!

One of the longest, most respected scientific studies has shown that there is a STRONG correlation between proper breathing, stress management, and a long life.

According to that study, the No. 1 indicator of life expectancy is…

…well, you’d probably be better off just watching the latest video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From the Ground.  In it, I explain all that, give detailed how-tos on various breathing techniques—and a whole lot more.

Watch the video for more on my story and how I overcame the stress of the situation. (Length: 21:22 minutes)

And, as I sat on the roof of my barn, I knew we were one wind shift away from having our property engulfed in flames.

We were ready to evacuate if the fires started coming our way. But until then, I focused on the one thing that could help me maintain a clear head, stay calm, and avoid stressing out…stress management!

I breathed. Deeply. In through my nose, filling my belly, then my chest, counting strategically, and then exhaling through my mouth.

Despite the circumstances, I could feel the increased oxygen jump-starting my brain. Whatever came next, I was ready.

Thankfully, that wind never shifted. The wildfires didn’t destroy our homestead. Our family and livestock were safe.

But I still remember that rooftop moment as a great (maybe extreme?!) example of a time when deep breathing helped me manage stress in a healthy way.

Proper breathing really can save your life.

  • What do you think? 
  • What’s your go-to in times of stress?
  • What are your favorite breathing tips?

Have you seen the other Grow Book videos?

I’m talking it out as I write it, and I’d love to get your feedback. You can see them here:

Grow Book Overview

Be Wealthy – Even If You’re Not Rich

Can You Be Healthy Eating From The Grocery Store?

What Toxins Are Hiding In Your Home?

Staying Healthy and Free—Even into Old Age!

How I Almost Lost My Leg!

I so appreciate you watching these videos and giving your feedback. So, please leave a comment below.

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  • Christie says:

    Hi Marjory,

    I’m sure grateful for your numerous practical and insights and offerings. Regarding this post, I thought you and your readers might enjoy some information about a slightly different perspective on breathing.



  • CaptTurbo says:

    Great video Marjory. I do all I can to bring health from the ground and the breathing thing is so important to be all we can be.

  • Liana says:

    You are so awesome to share this knowledge. I know that oxygen is so good for the body and your suggestions are
    Great. I am anxious to purchase your book when it is finished.

  • Marsha says:

    Great video on breathing. Two technicalities (that won’t even show up in the text of the book) from your presentation: check out when to use ‘you and I’ and ‘you and me’ and how to pronounce Dr. Andrew Weil’s name (I’ve heard it two different ways). Good grammar and pronunciation add confidence (for me) in what you say.
    Way back when, during a particularly dark time, I still kept up with a simple set of exercises for flexibility. I discovered that the deeper breathing helped to lighten the depression.
    These days one of my ‘anywhere’ meditations is to visualize inhaling deeply from the power of the Sun and exhaling into the grounding of Mother Earth.
    Thanks for ALL you do to keep us centered on what is important.

    1. Tina says:

      Barack Obana spoke clearly, yet I didn’t believe a word he said. Marjory speaks from heart, experience and is educated. I have followed her for 10 years…I will take her words over your words any day.

      1. Looked to me like she was aiming to be constructive and positive.

  • Caro says:

    Thanks a lot, I like to watch your video. They help me to stay focus on becoming better and keeping on building my little self-sufficient homestead.

  • Josie Dey says:

    I can tell by intuition your becoming No 1 bestseller with your new book. I love your segment on breathing. I have to review the rest of the segments. Thx for your generousity in sharing. God bless.

  • karen sillas says:

    I love you Marjory and all your ways to connect us to nature and the expansion of ourSelves and the planet. Let’s Garden on!

  • Frances Graham says:

    Thanks Marjory you look a picture of health – you must be doing it right!

  • Marjory, this is the first of your videos that I’ve seen. I cannot tell you how wonderfully hopeful it feels. You exude such calmness and peace. You’ve reminded me of the basics – like breathing is necessary to live, really live. I’m encouraged to pick up, slowly and patiently, the things I’d lost. Back on Feb 27th, I almost died. I had severe sepsis with lactic acidosis and hypotention. Spent days in ICU. I know there’s a reason I didn’t die. I just don’t know what it is. Finding you is a godsend, though. I’m quite sure this is the next step in healing. So much of what I’ve found is pounding and even fanatical. But not this. You are what you preach. Thank you, I love your whole approach. Ah…you treat us like equals, whose input is important. That’s a big key. Enough for now. I look forward to more.

    P.S. breathing on plants. I hadn’t ever thought of it.

  • cynthia pellusch says:

    Love it Marjory! I so need these reminders.

    Miss you. Cindy

  • Elke Dehoust says:

    Thank you Majory this was a very helpful video. It takes a lot to not just react but take a deep breath and then respond to whatever the challenge might be. I am also a flat breather rather then taking a lung full of air in, so when I am doing Yoga back exercises in the morning I am trying to breath deeply. The movement becomes more focused and I am relaxing much more. Also, when I am breathing consciously my mind does not wander off as it usually does. I love the idea of breathing on plants, sure that makes sense!

  • Jan Murray says:

    Aloha, Marjory

    Your message is real ad beneficial to the world and we thank and appreciate you. There are two physical movement specialists that people might enjoy knowing.
    Anat Benial has done miraculous work using movement to heal people.
    Many people, or course know about Feldenkrais
    Posture specialist Esther Gokhale’s book has pictures of people with great posture that are thrilling to see.

    Best to you always and all ways,

    Jan Murray

    I have proof read books for people a few times and would be happy to offer you that skill as a volunteer. I listen to all your podcasts and am a big fan.

  • Deep breathing was part of what got me through stressful times, when I was in the hospital getting ready to have a baby while separated and soon to be divorced. I remembered our breathing exercises that we would do before singing in choir. Andrew Weill’s teaching about breathing also helped me get past major insomnia.

  • Jenny says:

    Hi Marjory – I am so glad you are doing this series! It is so important and the info is soooo good! 🙂

    I had both of my children at home, drug-free and in my own bed. I had my friends tell me I was crazy, that I would be craving that epidural as soon as the pain hit me, that there is no way they could have done it without the drugs and the doctors (who were barely there before or after the birth!). My mother and mother-in-law both had home births and they told me the secret to birth pains — BREATHING!
    My mother-in-law specifically told me the key to those intense, deep. gut-cramping pains: count while you breathe. The brain has trouble keeping track of pain while you keep it busy counting, and the breathing calms and opens the body. It was so simple. It also gave me a measuring point, with every breath a step up the staircase to rest periods. It was so important. I still use the count-and-breathe technique for other things, like splinters and zits (ouch!), but I will never forget how much my breath saved me.

    Additionally, I should mention the advice my dad gave me – when he was in college, he saw that all his siblings and his mother had high blood pressure, anxiety, and all kinds of stress-related disorders. He decided, consciously, to just let go and not stress over things. Now, at 84, he has outlived one brother, he works in the yard all day, he eats whatever he wants without any fear of diabetes, and he is just super laid back. Nothing really phases him and he takes simple pleasures like sitting and listening to the wind blow. All from one decision…

    Peace and Love! <3

  • Barbara Moore says:

    I remember in Junior High, there was a girl that was 1 or 2 grades ahead of me who was gifted in music. She won the top awards playing violin. But apparently she was always coming down with pneumonia. So her doctor prescribed trumpet. By the time I was enrolled in the music program, her health had improved , and she was winning top awards in both trumpet and violin. If I can locate her, I will see whether she wants to share any details.

  • Colleen says:

    Hi, Interesting topic. I take exception with the lung size stat though. I am 74 and the Pulmonologist said I am using 85% of my lungs. He told me not to enter a marathon. “If you do, you won’t win”. 🙂 Also, we have forest fires every year now, lots of them, and it can be like living in a chimney. My doctor told me not to use deep breathing during that time. Inside with a Blue Air purifier, i do breath deeply. I mention the name because after trying, over the years, 4 or 5 others, this one finally makes the air more like going to a commercial site that has really good filtering.

  • Cindy Pellusch says:

    Love this. Especially pertinent now!! Didn’t know this.
    I’ve been doing Soma breathing and Wim Hof. Now I know why.

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