
15 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives

These 15 natural antibiotic alternatives will help you fight off bacterial infections—without destroying your immune-supporting gut bacteria!

Here is a list of 15 natural antibiotic alternatives (The Grow Network)

15 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives

Are you looking for natural antibiotic alternatives that will fight off the nasty bugs without destroying your immune system in the process?

Be sure to check out “The Miracle of Garlic” (you can get a free copy here), which explains how garlic can be used to fight common infections.

But garlic isn’t the only natural antibiotic available…

… So I’ve put together this list of 15 natural antibiotic alternatives you can try if you need to boost your immune function, eliminate infection, or recover from an illness.

Discover how to treat 12 common ailments—from anxiety and insomnia to indigestion and stomachache—without needing to go to the drugstore. Thousands have already enrolled in our 8-week “Home Medicine 101” eCourse. You’ll love it, too—I promise!

Each of these packs a wallop against dangerous bacteria without knocking out your stomach, nervous system, or the good bacteria that help your immune system fight off infections naturally.

And hey, if you’ve used any of these to prevent or treat a common illness or infection, I’d love to hear your story!

Tell me about it in the comments below…

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #1—Garlic

Natural antibiotic alternative garlic

Ahh, garlic. That pungent-smelling, mouth-watering clove of antibiotic goodness is my #1 favorite antibiotic alternative.

You May Also Enjoy:

“How to Peel 20 Cloves of Garlic in 8 Seconds”

“Garlic: You Might Be Using It Wrong”

“When to Plant Garlic for a Spring Harvest”

Spicy, bacteria-fighting, and perfect for when I want my own personal space. 😉

(If you want to learn how I take garlic to fight infection without SMELLING like garlic, be sure to grab your free copy of “The Miracle of Garlic.”)

It’s been shown to combat a wide range of infections and illnesses, including:

  • Common colds
  • Flus
  • Fungal skin infections
  • STDs (including genital warts)
  • Lyme disease
  • Pneumonia
  • Candidiasis
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Yeast infections
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Meningitis
  • Herpes

It has even shown promise for destroying three “nightmare superbugs”:

Robin Cherry writes, “Garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, meaning it’s effective against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria…  Garlic shows promise against two of the three most dangerous bacterial infections (christened nightmare superbugs by the CDC):

Antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly found in hospitals where there has the potential to weaken those whose immune systems are already compromised).” (pp 31-32)

Get your free copy of Garlic: Your First Home Medicine

It can help prevent food poisoning by killing E. coli and salmonella.

And it is also shown to boost immunity, helping fight off bacterial infections.

There are many reasons we call garlic “miraculous.”

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #2—Goldenseal

Natural antibiotic alternative: goldenseal root

Goldenseal is a perennial herb, also called “orange root,” native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine lists goldenseal as “one of the most effective of the herbal antimicrobial agents” (p 475).

Vaginal and bladder infections are destroyed by goldenseal.

A common winter infection—sinus infections—are treatable with goldenseal.

Goldenseal contains “berberine,” which has “been shown to inhibit the adherence of bacteria to human cells, so they cannot infect the cells” (p 959).

It is also thought to be effective in treating strep throat, diarrhea, gum disease, and pneumonia.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #3—Licorice

Natural antibiotic alternative licorice root

The licorice root is a super-powered natural antibiotic.

Steven Orr, in The New American Herbal, says licorice root contains “glycyrrhizic acid,” which has been shown “to treat and soothe respiratory problems like bronchitis, usually in the form of cough drops and syrup, and also arthritis” (p 225).

It is even being studied to measure its ability to treat “hepatitis, cirrhosis, herpes, and flu” (p 225).

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“17+ Benefits of Licorice: A Sweet Solution for Sore Throats, Digestive Issues, Allergies, and More!”

But the most impressive attribute of licorice is that glycyrrhizic acid in licorice root is showing promise for treating the deadliest illnesses of our time: HIV-1 and SARS-related coronavirus.

It’s an antibiotic, an antiviral, and it’s delicious! 😉

It is even used to treat conditions like eczema, asthma, and Lyme disease.

(See The Herbal Drugstore, The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (3rd Edition), and Herbal Antivirals for more about licorice root). 

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #4—Echinacea

Echinacea is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical antibiotics. (The Grow Network)

Echinacea has a particular scent that instantly opens up your airways. That’s how you know it is effective for colds, sinus infections, strep-throat and other respiratory issues.

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“Echinacea: Antiviral, Immune Stimulant, Inflammation Fighter, Joint Healer, and Treatment for Snake and Spider Bites”

The purple coneflower is pretty to grow in your garden and can be made into a tea, extract, juice, powder, or cream for treating a number of infections.

“There have been more than 300 scientific investigations on the immune-enhancing effects of Echinacea—one of the most popular herbs in the treatment of the common cold” (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 437).

Paired with goldenseal, Echinacea helps knock out strep throat. It has also been used to treat a range of problems “from skin wounds to dizziness” (Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine, p 53).

The Herbal Drugstore lists treating Lyme disease and vaginal infections among its uses.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #5—Aloe Vera

Natural antibiotic alternative aloe vera

Perhaps you’ve already experienced the skin-soothing wonder of aloe vera gel.

But beyond its ability to soothe damaged skin, aloe vera has been shown effective in the treatment of gum disease, hypertension, angioedema (rapid swelling from trauma or allergies), asthma, Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, diabetes, peptic ulcer, and other skin issues, such as psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, plaques from the shingles virus, and cuts and scrapes.

It’s ability to “inhibit the production of reactive oxygen metabolites and inflammatory mediators by human colon epithelial cells” makes it effective in treating the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease—a particularly uncomfortable and often untreatable disease (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 467).

It can also help relieve asthma symptoms in sufferers who are not dependent on corticosteroids.

(See The New American Herbal and The Herbal Drugstore for more about the antibiotic properties of aloe vera.) 

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #6—Coconut Oil

Coconut oil heals dry and broken skin and gets rid of harmful bacteria in the process. (The Grow Network)

I use coconut oil as lotion. It heals dry and broken skin and gets rid of harmful bacteria in the process. Coconut oil (and coconut milk) is a common ingredient in homemade toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, and other beauty-related products.

Coconut Oil.com says: “The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of the medium chain fatty acids/triglyucerides (MTCs) found in coconut oil have been known to researchers since the 1960s.

Research has shown that microorganisms that are activated include bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses.”

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can form into monolaurin in your body. Monolaurin helps attack some of the nastiest forms of bacteria.

Oil-pulling is becoming a common practice, and for good reason. Chew up a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish in your mouth like mouthwash for a while to remove bacteria, clean and whiten your teeth, prevent gum disease, and repair cavities.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #7—Tea Tree Oil

Natural antibiotic alternative tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a well-known acne treatment.

“Tea tree oil possesses significant antiseptic properties and is regarded by many as an ideal skin disinfectant” (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 250).

But did you know it’s also good for healing skin infections, relieving itchiness from rashes, soothing sun burns, treating warts, healing insect bites, treating psoriasis, and much more.

Plus, tea tree oil is also good for clearing vaginal infections (vaginitis) and can help treat chronic candidiasis (see The Herbal Drugstore).

Be careful, though, using tea tree oil around house cats. Cats’ livers cannot process tea tree oil and if it comes into contact with their skin, it can have dangerous—even fatal—side effects.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #8—Cayenne Pepper

Natural antibiotic alternative cayenne pepper

If you like spicy food and suffer from asthma, joint and muscle pain, diabetes, psoriasis, or have a cut/scrape, you’re in luck. Cayenne pepper is good for treating all of those issues.

“The bright red fruit of the plant contains an ingredient called capsaicin, which has been found to deplete nerve cells of a chemical that helps transmit pain messages” (Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine, p 51).

Capsaicin is also shown to block “the small nerve fibers that transmit the pain” people with diabetes suffer from. “Topically applied capsaicin has been shown to be of considerable benefit in relieving the pain of diabetic neuropathy” (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 541).

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper is also effective in getting rid of inflammation, which can help treat psoriasis, and helps to desensitize “airway mucosa to various mechanical and chemical irritants,” which makes it effective in preventing asthma attacks” (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 335).

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #9—Turmeric

Natural antibiotic alternative turmeric

This bright orange spice, commonly used in Indian cuisine, is good for just about everything you can think of that would normally require the consumption of antibiotics.

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“Research shows turmeric reduces liver toxicity, boosts the gallbladder’s performance, helps metabolize fat and reduce bad cholesterol, and may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease” (The New American Herbal, p 319).

Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to treat osteoarthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, gallstones, and has even shown promise in treating HIV/AIDS.

Curcumin has been “shown to inhibit HIV integrase, the enzyme that integrates a double-stranded DNA copy of the RNA genome, synthesized by reverse transcriptase into a host chromosome” (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, p 260).

It is an effective anti-inflammatory, which makes it effective in treating psoriasis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and sports injuries.

Add it to recipes, make it into tea, or brush your teeth with a combination of turmeric and coconut oil to whiten and fortify your teeth.  You can also add honey and hot water to help soothe symptoms of the common cold (particularly inflammation in your lymph nodes).

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #10—Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural antibiotic alternative apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, an antibiotic substance. “It’s a virtual infusion of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals” (The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth, p 297).

According to Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen, authors of Healing Remedies, apple cider vinegar can treat a whole host of problems: arthritis, first-degree burns, sore throat, laryngitis, cough, fatigue, aches and pains, dry hair/scalp, rough skin, headaches, shingles virus, indigestion, itchy skin, sprains, cold sores, urinary tract infection, etc. Anything skin or respiratory tract related can be treated or improved with apple cider vinegar.

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“How to Make Hard Apple Cider in 5 Easy Steps”

“How to Make and Use Apple Cider Vinegar”

“9 Simple, Effective Probiotics You Can Make at Home”

Drink apple cider vinegar with hot water, lemon, and honey to break up mucus and infection in your sinuses and relieve a sore throat. Break up that infected mucus and blow it out and away.

Apple cider vinegar is also shown to “improve insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant subjects,” which means it is an effective treatment for diabetes. “This makes apple cider vinegar a powerful natural weapon, along with cinnamon and chromium, in the fight to control blood sugar and help get carbohydrate metabolism on track” (The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth, p 298).

Be aware that apple cider vinegar can have some adverse effects if you take certain medications.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #11—Ginger

Natural antibiotic alternative ginger root

Upset stomach? Stomach flu? Drink some ginger tea.

But that’s not all ginger is good for!

“Research conducted at RMG Biosciences of Baltimore showed that extracts of ginger and galangal, a member of the ginger family, helped inhibit the manufacture of inflammatory brain chemicals, and in turn slowed down the progression of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s” (The Home Reference to Holistic Health & Healing, p 88).

It has also been shown “effective in reducing the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis” (p 150).

You May Also Enjoy:

“9 Simple, Effective Probiotics You Can Make at Home”

“How to Grow Grocery Store Ginger”

“5 Powerful Herbal Medicines You Can Make at Home”

Green MedInfo.com references dozens of scientific studies and says, “At least one study that compares the effects of ginger and antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureua and S. pyreus infections shows that ginger extract may be superior…. Ginger has been shown to have an antibacterial effect on respiratory and periodontal infections.”

The Herbal Drugstore lists the following as treatable with ginger: angina, arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis, cervical dysplasia, colds and flu, ear infections, flatulence, headache, heart disease, hives, indigestion, intermittent claudication, intestinal parasites, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, Raynaud’s phenomenon, sinus infections, sports injuries, and stroke. 

In addition, ginger has antiviral benefits, which means it is able to treat “viral infections including colds, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, yellow fever, measles, chicken pox, and enterovirus” (Herbal Antivirals, p 172).

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #12—Grapefruit Seed Extract

Natural antibiotic alternative grapefruit seed extract

Need to treat a nasty wart? Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is your natural remedy.

The Herbal Drugstore lists acne, canker sores, cuts and scrapes, diarrhea, ear infections, and fungal skin infections as treatable by grapefruit seed extract.

Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful antibiotic: “In one study, drops of concentrated grapefruit-seed extract were tested for antibacterial properties against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.  The researchers concluded that GSE was comparable to ‘proven topical antibacterials. Although the GSE appeared to have a somewhat greater inhibitory effect on gram-positive organisms than on gram-negative organisms, its comparative effectiveness against a wide range of bacterial biotypes is significant.’” (The Healthy Home Economist)

Grapefruit seed extract can also help combat fatigue.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #13—Oregano Oil

Natural antibiotic alternative oregano oil

Oregano oil has been shown effective in treating tonsillitis and other bacterial infections. Dr. Axe calls it “the ultimate natural antibiotic.”

In essential oil form, oregano oil is particularly effective: “Essential oil components are fundamentally different [from antibiotics]. Their nonselective activity makes it practically impossible for microorganisms to develop resistance. Microorganisms may be able to resist the attack on one of their targets, but this leaves all the other targets of the essential oil still vulnerable” (The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, p 47).

Oregano oil contains carvacrol and thymol, which both “have powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties” (Dr. Axe).

Hundreds of studies on PubMed have proven carvacrol able to treat bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, allergies, and tumors. It has also been shown to kill E. coli bacteria, cancer cells, and five other types of harmful bacteria.

Use oregano oil to treat foot or nail fungus, parasites and infections, and sinus infections.

Be careful about applying oregano oil directly to your skin as it may cause irritation. 

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #14—Honey

Natural antibiotic alternative honey

We’ve read the studies that claim bacteria can protect each other and resist antibiotics, but honey breaks up bacteria as it kills it, making it impossible for bacteria to evolve into resistant strains.

Healing Remedies lists honey as a key component in treating hay fever, asthma, cuts and scratches, sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis, cough, Emphysema, cataracts, fatigue, athletes foot, leg cramps, headaches, heart conditions, indigestion, acne, sores and lesions, skin problems, sleep disorders, stress, tension, and anxiety, teeth, gum, and mouth issues, and ulcers.

Eating local honey can also help alleviate allergies to local pollen, as the pollen is used to make the honey. Ingesting it can help you become inured to the pollen in the air.

Natural Antibiotic Alternative #15—Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be used as a natural antibiotic alternative. (The Grow Network)

Cinnamon is one natural antibiotic we should always have on hand, particularly when traveling and at an increased potential of contracting bacterial infections:

“The antibacterial effects of cinnamon bark oil make it one of the best options when a person encounters violent bacterial infections of the intestinal tract, especially while traveling in unfamiliar territory!” (The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, p 73).

The Herbal Drugstore claims that the cinnamon spice is antifungal and “inhibits fungi that commonly infect the skin.” It is also a key ingredient in natural cough syrup.

Use cinnamon bark oil and cinnamon leaf oil as a powerful anti-infectious blend. Cinnamon is also helpful to reduce or prevent intestinal issues.

What Do You Think?

Have you ever used any of these natural antibiotic alternatives to treat bacterial infections? Are there other plants you prefer to use instead? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!


This is an updated version of an article that was originally published on March 29, 2017.

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Psst! Our Lawyer Wants You to Read This Big, Bad Medical Disclaimer –> The contents of this article, made available via The Grow Network (TGN), are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by TGN. Reliance on any information provided by this article is solely at your own risk. And, of course, never eat a wild plant without first checking with a local expert.



American Family Physician. “Health Effects of Garlic.” Accessed Marcy 24, 2017. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2005/0701/p103.html.

Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., Jonny. The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What Treatments Work and Why. Fair Winds Press, 2008.

Buhner, Stephen Harrod. Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections. Massachusetts: Storey Publishing, 2013.

Cherry, Robin. Garlic: An Edible Biography. Boston: Roost Books, 2014.

Coconut Oil. “Coconut Oil Offers Hope for Antibiotic-Resistant Germs.” Accessed on March 24, 2017. http://coconutoil.com/coconut-oil-offers-hope-for-antibiotic-resistant-germs/.

Dr. Axe. “Oregano Oil Benefits Superior to Prescription Antibiotics.” Accessed on March 24, 2017. https://draxe.com/oregano-oil-benefits-superior-prescription-antibiotics/.

Food Matters. “Discover Why Honey is Still The Best Antibiotic.” Accessed on March 24, 2017. http://www.foodmatters.com/article/discover-why-honey-is-still-the-best-antibiotic.

Green Med info. “Ginger’s Many Evidence-Based Health Benefits Revealed.” Accessed on March 24, 2017. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/node/83545.

Health Ambition. “Can You Use Garlic As An Antibiotic?” Accessed on October 30, 2017. https://www.healthambition.com/garlic-as-an-antibiotic/

Mars, Brigitte, and Chrystle Fiedler. The Home Reference to Holistic Health & Healing. Massachusetts: Fair Winds Press, 2015.

Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine: Integrating the best of natural therapies with conventional medicine. 2nd ed. New York: Time Inc., 2010.

Murray, N.D., Michael T. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. 3rd Edition. New York: Atria, 2012.

Orr, Stephen. The New American Herbal. New York: Clarkson Potter/Publishers, 2014.

Schnaubelt, Ph.D., Kurt. The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy. Healing Arts Press, Vermont: 2011.

The Healthy Home Economist. “The 11 Best Natural Antibiotics and How to Use Them.” Accessed on March 24, 2017. http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-use-best-natural-antibiotics/.

White, MD, Linda B. and Steven Foster. The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines! Rodale Inc., 2000.

Wilen, Joan and Lydia Wilen. Healing Remedies. New York: Ballantine Books, 2008.

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Dr Glenda Hicks says:

    Thank you x 1000000000!

    1. EricRichards says:

      A few years ago I was going to the doctor (GP) all the time with different complains, only to get another dose of antibiotics (it could have been because of house mold), after a couple of times I would just keep the prescription in case I got worse, then I added garlic & ginger into my diet and that brought a abrupt end to the need for antibiotic medication, so some of these things do work.

  • Angel says:

    Thanks so much for this list! I discovered echinacea tea for colds, sinus problems, etc, a few years ago, and it is truly wonderful for those things. I am always looking for more natural ways to treat illnesses and injuries in my household. One use for garlic that I didn’t see above is for ear infections: crush a clove of garlic in some olive oil and let it sit for a while (15 min or more), then put a few drops in the ear.

  • Tammy says:

    Please note that Oregano oil can inhibit iron absorption. As an anemic I found this out by chance. Something to think about if you are taking it for periods of time. Take it away from iron. Funny that it is not noted much in the alternative articles. Do your research :).



    1. KathrynJensen says:

      Thank you for that info. I have had wonderful results with Oregano oil and have helped many friends with it. One friend when man-made synthetic antibiotics had stripped her of all bacteria and almost killed her. I will pass your info on… Thank you.

  • Renata says:

    Thank you for this very interesting article. Certainly there are so many options. I would add to it many essential oils like for example clove, rosemary, lavender, Thieves blend etc. It would be helpful to know how much and in what form to use each of the above remedies to make them effective. I myself like to use many natural remedies.

    I have noticed also many barriers could be very helpful for some health problems. For example raspberries in case when we feel cold infection is just starting or has already developed. I like to eat the raspberries fresh or take them in the form of ready to use syrup with hot water or tea – about 1 tbs per cup. It makes body feel warm. One needs to wrap themselves up in blankets when taking it to stay even warmer, or just go to bed after taking it.

  • Carol says:

    I cured a full blown UTI in six hours without a doctor visit or antibiotics by drinking a lot of water along with garlic, ginger, and apple cider vinegar! I was amazed when I slept all night comfortably and woke to no symptoms and this is something we’ve been led to believe is only curable by antibiotics! These three powerhouses are always in my pantry!

    1. SA says:

      Great article, thanks. After a near death experience that began with a UTI, I’ve learned that many people have come up with various herbs and foods to stop a UTI in its tracks. There is not just one solution to this problem, rather many different cures.

      Yes, docs want to treat you with a 7 or 10 day round of antibiotics for a UTI. My approach uses several products. I can’t begin to state how pleased I am to know that I won’t die from a raging UTI. Sepsis is a horrible, painful death.

      I’m not going to spell out my protocol, but I will tell you that my first line of defense is honeybee products. I use Bee Rescue Cream from beepothecary.com and bee propolis capsules from Natural Grocer. If I feel an infection coming on, this begins my attack.

      Two things: I have nothing to do with either company, I just know their products work. I learned about Beepothecary at a Mother Earth News Fair. Second, if there seems to be some interest, I can write more specifically about how I treat a UTI. PS Clearly I am not a physician.

      1. annabetterme says:

        I would be most interested in your protocol for UTI. I have been struggling with it for years.

        1. Louise says:

          Chronic UTI’s can become serious and shouldn’t be ignored. They are normally eradicated quickly by any competent healer and often follow drug use, especially antibiotics. Not all UTI’s will respond to every proven protocol. Some strong antagonists include: bad diet, sugar, calcium supplements, acidic drinks (sodas) and intercourse (if needed take 1 tablespoon of D-Mannose pre- and post-)
          Hydration should be increased (avoid most acidic fluids) with treatment somewhat extended in chronic conditions to prevent a relapse. There are probiotics, dozens of herbals and other effective protocols. I normally suggest using several compatible products together, albeit that’s not required for UTI’s.
          Here are some suggestion:
          ► A C Vinegar, Fresh organic lemon/lime or bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) follow the instruction on box for maximum dosage. Any of these can be taken w/water throughout the day on an empty stomach. They will change the pH of your urine.
          ► Ascorbic acid (do not use calcium ascorbate or liposomal) take as per a vitamin-c flush to bowel tolerance and stay near a bathroom. Do not take this with any items above.
          ► D-Mannose capsules or 1 teaspoon (2 grams) in water up to every 2-3 hours and for 3 days after absence of symptoms. Releases microbes’ adhesion.
          ► Lactoferrin (or apo-) up to 2 capsules every 2 hours for most infections should be amble. Can be taken with any of the above for UTI’s. Will shut down new infections immediately if taken quick enough and in large enough dosage. Totally non-toxic to adults, children, infants and if pregnant.
          ► Organic unsweetened cranberry juice (contains d-mannose) can be drank throughout the day. Do not take this with any items above ascorbic acid.

        2. KathrynJensen says:

          Oregano oil will take care of a uti. My friend almost died from the doctor giving her an open prescription to antibiotics. I told her to throw away her antibiotics and get rid of her doctor and come see me.. This this girl had had a uti off and on for 11 years and ended up in the hospital. I gave her Oil of Oregano and capsules to put it in to take. She has never gone back to man-made synthetic antibiotics that if you research Rockefeller you will dig up the dirt that they also cause cancer!!

      2. Patty Watson says:

        SA I would be interested in specifics of your treatment, please.

      3. KathrynJensen says:

        Oregano oil will take care of a uti. My friend almost died from the doctor giving her an open prescription to antibiotics. I told her to throw away her antibiotics and get rid of her doctor and come see me.. This this girl had had a uti off and on for 11 years and ended up in the hospital. I gave her Oil of Oregano and capsules to put it in to take. She has never gone back to man-made synthetic antibiotics that if you research Rockefeller you will dig up the dirt that they also cause cancer!!

  • elizabeth says:

    have used all ot these got rid of pneumonia with garlic I cannot use antibiotics immediately have terrible intestinal problems
    have not had success with echinacea

    1. Patricia says:

      Aloe Barbadensis is the aloe plant that is grown for the gel in the leaves. As with all plants there are many varieties, be sure to use the correct variety when using for home remedies.

  • Cherie says:

    Great info. Question about #5. Aloe Vera. Are ALL Aloe Vera edible? I only see the ones for sale to eat that have very long leaves. But I have many short leaves. Like a beautiful star or rose. It is very prolific. But I am not sure if I can eat it (minus the skin). I have not been able to find an answer, I hope you will be able to assist me. Thanks so much 🙂

    1. Beverly says:

      I heard that the short leaf aloe is not good. From a fellow gardener, I heard that it made her skin itch after accidentally using it.

      The herbal aloe vera is edible. My co-worker had open it in front of me and scoop the slimy clear meat inside and just put it in her mouth. BTW, she’s from another country.

    2. Sona Knight says:

      I have never tried to use Aloe Vera internally straight from the plant. I have used it with great success on burns and cuts from the plant but for drinking I buy it at the Health Food Store. My two favorite brands are “Lily of the Desert” (a little bitter but tastes pretty good) and “Georges” (pretty much tastes like water and still works great).

  • Jaime says:

    Great article! I loooove hibiscus. Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all of the harmful chemical products in your life with organic ones. It’s completely changed my life and how I feel everyday 🙂

    You can read a good review of Everyday roots here: http://reggiesreview.weebly.com/everyday-roots-review.html

  • Anne says:

    Thank you for that list, Marjorie, as garlic doesn’t agree with me. However, cayenne is a nightshade, and nightshades are notorious for aggravating psoriasis. When I stick to a diet that doesn’t include nightshades, among other things, my psoriasis is completely in remission, but when I eat nightshades, it flares up. Also, there are better sources of berberine than the endangered goldenseal, such as amur cork tree bark, coptis, barberry bark & berries, and Oregon grape root. All of these have more berberine than goldenseal.

    1. Anne – I have been using goldenseal tincture for asthma and sinus flare ups and have had great success with it. I have read that I shouldn’t use it for more than 14 days at a time (?). I would be interested in trying some of the other sources of berberine that you list in your comment of March 31. Any suggestions? Can I find these at a health food store? Thanks for any information.

      1. Anne says:

        Hi Barbara,

        I guess it depends on where you live and whether or not you know anyone who can help you identify things in the wild. The amur cork tree grows prolifically in New England, and the Oregan Grape grows in Oregan, of course, and states around that, I have seen on youtube. If you’re not in an area where these things grow wild and/or can’t identify them somehow, maybe your health food store has one of them or could order them in. There are things that grow around me, and I’m going to have someone to help me identify them this summer. I just ordered barberry bark online, as it was the most cost effective, and made a big container of tincture out of it with some vodka. It’s lasted me for years – I’m about to make a new batch. I live in Canada and so tend to use Trade Technocrats or Herbies Herbs. I’d start with Amazon and do some comparing – be sure to read the reviews.

        1. kendraholubec says:

          Another source of berberine here in Central Texas is the Algerita or agarita plant. The roots are a very vibrant yellow-a great indicator of the presence of berberine.

          1. KathrynJensen says:

            I wonder if that is what the native Americans called yellow root. Interesting…

  • Judy Yates says:

    Thankyou mam for your wealth of information that you just give GOD bless you,,my story years ago,husband,39,all teeth bad for years,we knew the blessings of garlic he took it for years cause we couldn’t afford to get them pulled garlic kept him in check but then sores just started popping up on him we went got all teeth pulled ,,but I tell garlic kept him a live and always GOD,judy

  • Michelle says:

    This is a great article! My family is fairly new to the more natural healing methods and while I actually have some of these natural antibiotics that you have listed above, I’m not quite sure exactly how to use them (in a recipe form with instructions). Does anyone have a book or resource that they would recommend? Thanks!

    1. Sara says:

      I bought a book called Beyond Wheat and Weeds by Claudia Orgill. It’s an amazing resource for natural and alternative remedies. The author suffered from lymes disease for 7 years during which she studied and applied those things that truly worked. She also has a lot of informative YouTube videos.

  • Pamela says:

    My 7 year old grandson had bronchitis. The doctor wanted to put him on antibiotics. So I smiled politely, went home and gave him elderberry syrup. Within 48 hours his fever had left; three days after that he had gone from lying on the couch to running around the yard. By the way, the recipe I have for elderberry syrup is the only medicine my grandson will take during cold and flu season. He actually asks for it if he begins to feel ill.

    1. Louise LK says:

      Before accepting any prescription, always insist that it includes the NNT. The NNT is a major determinant for what the doctor will prescribe for you. It tells the doctor how many (Number) with your condition will Need to be Treated for one patient to benefit. You may wish to also know the NNH, which is the Number Needed to be take the drug before one patient is Harmed.
      BTW, the NNT for acute bronchitis is effectively infinity. Or to put it another way, it is the same as a placebo. It would never be prescribed by a competent doctor.

    2. Louise LK says:

      Good move. Here’s something else for you to consider
      Before accepting any prescription, always insist that it includes the NNT. The NNT is a major determinant for what the doctor will prescribe for you. It tells the doctor how many (Number) with your condition will Need to be Treated for one patient to benefit. You may wish to also know the NNH, which is the Number Needed to be take the drug before one patient is Harmed.
      BTW, the NNT for acute bronchitis is effectively infinity. Or to put it another way, it is the same as a placebo. It would never be prescribed by a competent doctor.

  • Marla says:

    Excellent article! I knew about most of these and that they all had antibiotic properties. I have used raw garlic for ear infections and it has worked better than any prescription antibiotics plus no side effects. Thanks for sharing. Pinning & tweeting. Happy Spring!

  • carmen pazargad says:

    Marjory, thank you for all the natural alternatives information. You seem to be a true naturalist, living the life that you write about. My son suffered from sinus infection, allergies, etc.. He went to a specialist that prescribed drugs which didn’t really help. I gave him oregano oil and had him inhale oregano oil in water. It helped him and now he
    feels 100% better with no side effects with a lot less money.

  • Tanya Reeder says:

    I have cured several upper respiratory infections with garlic. I chop it up and add it to either hummus or guacamole to ease the process of eating it since it’s so strong. I have also used tea tree oil (mixed with olive oil) to cure my son’s ear infections. So much better to go the natural route!

  • Cynthia says:

    What is your understanding about how wheatgrass can help you? I read an article that it does nothing for you and your stomach cannot digest it because we are not like cows.
    I used to take wheatgrass shots but now I am in question.

    1. karen says:

      Thanks for asking that question because I too am a bit confused. I used to take it everyday too. Then I heard a foremost heart doctor say it was actually toxic. That people were crazy to use it. That it did more harm then good for a lot of the same reasons you stated.

      1. Teri Ann says:

        I also used to consume wheatgrass, until I learned of the Dr. you mentioned in your post. He made sense, so I bought his Primal Greens and discontinued wheatgrass and avoid nightshades, for the most part. Love me some heirloom tomatoes! Anyway, his greens have helped both me and my husband feel so much better! No more lawn clippings for us😁

  • Leah says:

    Great info! I knew a couple of them and even use a couple. But there were quite a few I had no idea were so beneficial for your health!

  • Paula says:

    I have recently used oregano oil to mitigate a cold. Probably would have worked better if I didn’t stop after one day because the sore throat went away. After years of using home remedies, I helped a friend start her pediatric practice. I got sucked in to Big PHARMA ‘cures’ and MLM supplements and nearly destroyed my liver. I still work there, and slowly we are changing the way we treat our patients. I just completed Home Medicine 101 and hope to integrate much of that into the practice.

    1. Marjory says:

      So glad to hear you are putting these remedies to use! I sure hope you enjoyed Home Medicine 101. 🙂

  • cyrus says:

    Hello friends
    am here to share my story on how i was cured of hiv by a herbal doctor,being with hiv has been through hell,with the help of Dr idahosa my immune system was fully alright. why suffering when we have like Dr idahosa. you can contact him on his mail, hivnaturalremedyvaccine@gmail.com or call via +2349072235613 or whatsapp via +2347033330164

  • Felipe C Solis says:

    Can you something about purslane weed?

  • Dr.Abuya says:

    i was healed of HIV in 2016 and I have tried all I can to get cured but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbalist man who prepare herbal medication to cure all kind of diseases includingHIV, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbalist via his email and he prepared a HIV herbal cure and sent it to me via fed-ex delivery courier service, when i received this herbal cure, he gave me step by directions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 10 days of usage, I am now free from the deadly disease called HIV, all thanks to Dr.Aluya. Contact this great herbal spell caster via his email: (js454595@gmail.com)

  • Ronald E. Clark says:

    Dear Marjory:

    Thanks for your work in medicinal herbal remedies for human medical problems. I find your articles very helpful, especially as many are turning to naturopathic medical solutions these days. If there is an award for naturopathic medicine similar to the Nobel prize, I am nominating you for it.

    Please continue to publish these great and highly informative articles. I circulate them widely. If you are ever near Saratoga Springs, Utah, please consider stopping by our home at 2296 S. Hunter Drive. We would love to have you visit or spend the night with us.My wife Sherri is well-versed in essential oils, and I am getting well-versed in the use of medicinal herbs and naturopathic medicine.

    Dr. Ron Clark

  • Lydia says:

    Thank you Marjory for a great group of best articles.
    I would like to tell you about little known uses of honey and onions. Supposedly one can combine honey with chopped raw onions as a treatment for the onset of a cold or flu, taking a spoonful of the mixture every so often thru the day. However, i found after a few times that it made me nauseous, so i did not try it again. Years later I knew a elderly lady, who swore that just breathing the fumes of fresh chopped onion would stave off a cold. She grew up in New York where her family had emigrated from Eastern Europe. I don’t know if she discovered this remedy herself or an old family secret. I have tried her method and believe it works. Take a slice of raw onion and chop it up, put in a small dish and inhale the pungent fumes deeply. (Do this carefully as you might not want too much at once) Cover the onion with plastic or put in a airtight baggie. Breath it as often as you want. The fumes gradually dissipate, so you will have to take a fresh slice and repeat the process. I’ve also used GSE, Vitamin C, and colloidal silver for colds and Ginger tea or apple cider vinegar in water for stomach flu.
    About honey: A few years ago, I had unbearable itching of eczema or psoriasis on the tops of my feet and on my forearms, that became scabby and oozing. No medicine, cream, conventional or herbal, would stop the itching. Out of desperation I tried smearing honey on my arms and feet (very messy). I would put gauze bandages around my feet and cover with an old sock. I cut off the arms of a long sleeve T shirt and unrolled them over my honey smeared arms, but only at night so I could sleep. The bandages or cloth would stick to the skin and would have to be washed off. I do not credit the honey with curing this problem, but it was soothing and helped heal the sores. This was a seasonal allergy problem ( continuing several months after the hay fever season) that went on for several years.
    Last year I had no skin itching, just a little hay fever. I have been gardening barefoot and getting more sunlight on my feet and legs. Is it natural Vit.D or electrons from the earth that are the cure? I don’t know. I’m still looking for a cure for the 1 mo. per year hay fever. I’m 75.
    Best wishes and thanks for providing this forum.

  • Vickie Wangberg says:

    To heal quicker or avoid getting colds/flu etc:
    Avoid all fruits and all fructose-not even 1 bite. Drink Elderberry tea every 2 hours. Buy elderberries at your health food store and steep them in hot water 15 min. and drink every 2 hours.
    Above is better than pink eye (conjunctivities) medicine if you do that along with a clay (food grade bentonite clay) eye poultice (over closed eyes) every 4-6 hours. I cured a mild case of pink eye (conjuntivitis) and an extremely severe case within a few hours to within 18 hours by doing above no Dr. visit. Be careful to avoid all fruits and all fructose (honey is high fructose and it’s in many packaged foods too). I got part of this idea from Barry Groves book: Tricks and Treats: How Healthy Eating is Making Us Ill, which teaches us the fallacies we’ve learned re: eating and taking care or our health. I am a teacher, & I avoid flu shots and colds/flu by doing this. The rest of the idea was from Master Herbalist Doug Simons, called “Treating Infections Without Antibiotics”…Thanks for this healing information!

  • Anna says:

    Cold remedy: when I first feel I am starting to get one, I take a hot bath or shower, uncomfortably hot, then wrap up well to sweat it out. In addition I immediately take 6 grams of Vit C along with 6 echinacea caps, 2x/day, reducing by 1 each day. Works every time. And Sleepytime tea worked wonders for my kids, for colds, stomach upsets, whatever ailed them.

  • Elena Upton, PhD says:

    Thank you so much for creating this forum and for consistently sharing quality information for a sustainable healthy lifestyle. I especially love the suggestions and articles you have written throughout the year around the issue of antibiotics. As a Homeopath for nearly 30 years I have worked to educate those looking for another alternative. Each one of your suggestions are valuable and easy to access. I’d like to introduce your readers to the first of many tried and true solutions to the use of antibiotics through natural Homeopathic remedies.
    At the first sign of a cold or flu take Aconitum + Bryonia as often as every hour until there is improvement, then every 3 hours, or as needed. You will be amazed at how quickly symptoms disappear.
    Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved, inexpensive and easy to access at most health food stores and online. You will readily find them in 30c potency and for even more effectiveness, order online in a 200c potency to have on hand when the need arises.
    Keep up the good work and let’s continue to work together to create safe, healthy choices.
    Happy Holidays and Happy, Healthy 2018!

  • Lisa says:

    Another wonder topical natural remedy I don’t see listed here or mentioned in the comments that absolutely should be is Tamanu oil. It is a cold pressed oil from the nut of the Tamanu tree. It has become a staple in my home and many others I know, once they learn of its benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Besides the everyday cuts and scrapes that clear up in record time with minimal to no scaring, it also works wonderful on minor irritations and rashes, as well. I have cleared up a nasty case of impetigo that my daughter got. It stopped spreading instantly and soothed the itching and calmed the redness very quickly. Signs of healing were showing in just a couple days and completely healed with no scaring in just over a week with no other treatment. The most impressive feat I have seen so far was clearing up a nasty bed sore that was several inches wide, deep, and covered with a thick crusty like substance on the back of my diabetic father’s heal after being in rehab for a broken hip. The home nurses could not get it to improve much after months of trying everything in their arsenal. We tried tamanu oil as a last ditch effort, since the nurses implied that he would likely have to have it surgically cleaned out, i.e. cutting deeper into the wound, to remove the tough crusty covering, which would hopefully allow the new flesh to fill in the wound and skin to grow over it, and if that didn’t work, amputation was on the horizon. Within days of applying tamanu oil 3 times a day, the crusty covering began to loosen up and come off like an old scab. The nurse was amazed and asked us what we were using. She wanted some for herself! Once the crusty stuff had come of, the wound started visibly shrinking and filling in. There also seemed to be much improved blood supply to the surrounding area and the swollen reddened skin around the open wound looked much healthier and was no longer red and inflamed. In just over a month and a half, the 4 inch opening had shrunk down to almost nothing with minimal scaring. Absolutely amazing! The home nurse was flabbergasted and was a true believer after that. I hope this information can help others out there. I will never go without this amazing oil in my house again. It can be a little tough to find. I get mine at Mountain Rose Herbs online.

  • Wm. A. Jokela says:

    I was plagued with athletes foot literally for decades until I found an article online about unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar. I mixed 2 cups of acv and 2 cups distilled water and soaked my feet for several days, 20 minutes at a time. Within just a few days the athletes foot was gone and has not returned. I’m now using the same procedure to treat toenail fungus of my left big toe. It is slowly going away. The ugly nail is gradually being replaces with healthy new nail.

  • Mark says:

    There is an alternative to Goldenseal that was once over harvested in Nova Scotia, Canada. It grows wild. It is called Gold Thread. As I understand it, they have very similar properties. It grows in mossy areas where wintergreen, lady slippers, and trilliums do well. Generally grows in/under moss. It is obvious when you find it. Gold colored and very bitter tasting. I think it is also called canker root. Many old timers used it to treat canker sores.

  • Ehrentraude says:

    Studied green medicine am called green medicine woman. Natural grown and wild harvested plants produce the best oils . It is important to try which serves whom for what. We are tree-fold human beings body mind and soul. Be well TK

  • Donna says:

    Thanks for sending!

  • Gini says:

    In 2004 my mother was dying of lung cancer (never smoked), and she told me she never had flu or colds. I realized that was true; she was never sick when we were growing up in the 50’s & 60’s. So I decided that, as her daughter, I didn’t have to be sick either. I realized I was choosing to be sick so that I could stop – I just needed a break in life. But being sick meant I couldn’t enjoy any of the activities I told myself were available to me if I could just skip going to work. I haven’t been sick since.

    That said, I have also discovered that by eliminating sugar, grains, and breads, and adding fermented/cultured vegetables to my diet, I not only lost the ‘age’ belly, body odor, plaque on my teeth, and joint pain, but gained flexibility as if I had been exercising! As I read this list of natural antibiotic foods, I realize I have been eating most or adding them gradually since 1998.

    So, as a 64 year young woman, I can recommend everyone try them and see how they work for you. Always remember, you are unique and must find what works for YOUR body. Blessed Be.

  • Grete says:

    Yes you can eat the leaves of the small aloe plants and no you do not take the green skin off . Just in the blender as is.
    Have been using it for years since I found a recipe called God’s medicine.
    It is good for all kinds of problems.
    Thank you Marjorie for the list I will keep it in a safe place.
    Regards Grete

  • karen says:

    Thank you for the article. All of these are a regular part of my life and have been for years. I did not no the details of the value of some of these on the list so I am grateful you gave so much detail.

  • karen says:

    Why didn’t olive leaf make it on to this list? I use it for all kinds of issues. Sometimes it’s been the only thing that works. I use a brand called Island. I have treated sinus, ears, tooth problems.

  • Erik says:

    Last Friday at the end of the day, my son was developing pinkeye in his right eye. Our local country clinic is closed over the weekend, so we put a drop of honey with warm water (filtered) in his eye 3 times a day. By the time Monday rolled around the pinkeye was 99% cleared up so we’re going to keep going with the honey a few more days.

  • RUSS says:


  • Becky Friend says:

    Hi Thanks for your wonderful grow network….Olive Leaf is a very strong and good antibacterial…I make my own from organic Olive Leaves and it lasts quite well and is easy to take and if you need a double strength dose take it in conjunction with Oreganol Oil which is another powerful antibacterial.

  • Julie says:

    What about horseradish root? I heard that was a powerful antibiotic but you don’t list that here.

  • Scott Sexton says:

    Perfect! Loved it! I’ve just gotten my wife to use natural remedies with the pharmaceutical antibiotics “just in case”. Just a few more gentle steps and we’ll make a naturopath out of her.

    My favorites on the list were apple cider vinegar and onion/garlic. I had an infected cut on my thumb recently that just didn’t want to heal. So I cut a thin slice of garlic and affixed it on the cut, overnight, with a bandaid. In the morning the infection was gone, though my thumb was stiff for about a day. Garlic is many things, but gentle it is not.

    And we all love elderberry syrup. I’ve got several cuttings started. My cousin and I are expanding my elder plants into a whole elder garden. We plan to grow enough for both our households, and maybe some extra for family and friends.

  • Peter Myers says:

    Cinnamon powder cured a UTI I had after a Prostate operation. I took a prescribed antibiotic for more than 2 weeks (got a repeat), but UTI persisted. Friend told me about Cinnamon. Took 1 tablespoon in a cup of tea, twice a day. The powder can choke you if you take it dry. After 3 days, no UTI.

  • Olga says:

    Hi! Thank you for this information. We drink fire cider(onion, ginger, garlic, turmeric, horseradish,cayenne, apple cider) and 27 herb tea .I love echinacea and astragalus +elderberry syrup.

  • flores_family2 says:

    My husband and I take a clove of garlic, 1 T. Apple Cider Vinegar (with Mother) and 1 T. Lime Juice in a 10oz glass of clean water every morning for years and we haven’t had colds/sore throats for ages. It works 🙂

  • Dr Grace G says:

    cloves, thyme, rosemary, burdock root, there are hundreds 🙂

  • openarmsministry888 says:

    Another Great Berry for almost anything, specialty for cold or flu season.. is Elderberries.
    Me and my Husband go out every year and pick Elderberries. Then we Freeze them and use them all winter long . We make what I call a Super Juice. We take 4 oz shot every morning. You can say its our FLU SHOT. We have been doing this now for 4 years and neither one of us has gotten the cold or flu.. But when May /June comes around we stop to let are body’s rest. and start up again in late sept/october.. It’s a Wonderful Little Berry. In the Spring Time I will gather the Elder berry Flowers, They are so SWEET and Smell so Good, They make a wonderful Tea..

  • Joanna Newcomer says:

    Great list! Ive used all but one of these myself and can speak from experience when I say just how impressively these work.

  • rls714 says:

    So currently, I am fighting an abscess. It is in my mouth, spawned from a broken tooth. I have been using Colloidal Silver infused Bentonite Clay, Oregano Oil, Echinacea tea, cbd oil, hydrogen peroxide…. raw garlic in the broken tooth hole, frankincense on the area, and I have to say, it burst and I am pain free. However- the infection lingers around, so- as in any antibiotic use, I plan to keep the regimen going for the next 7 days- 1 tbsp colloidal silver/day (16 ppm), echinacea tea, Fishermans Friend spray (colloidal and oregano)-frankincense…. Also used DMSO/Turmeric spray… (all products are Herbs Holistics and made at home) I think a big part in recovery from infection is to keep treating even after the symptoms subside to capture all the microbes- preventing them from repopulating. LOVE ALTERNATIVE and PLANT MEDICINE! Thank you so much for this conference. I’ll now add cayenne and tea tree- adding to the bouquet of natural healing plants. This is so informational…. and very reaffirming of the lifestyle. Thanks, again.

  • Elena Upton says:

    This article is full of great suggestions. When traveling it may not be as easy to access natural substances that need to be sourced fresh and don’t pack well. For that, you can turn to homeopathic medicine….inexpensive and easy to source. Used for over two-hundred years and safe for all ages, including your animals. The two best antibiotic remedies are Hepar Sulph Calcarea and Mercurius vivus or Mercurius solubus. Merc is for glandular infection and Hepar is more for tissue infection. UTI remedies are symptom-specific and can be found on my website at
    Marjory will keep you informed when my book “MASTERING ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, Your Family’s Guide to Wellness” will be available with a special offer for GrowNetwork followers.

  • lhoffmanfritz says:

    Thank you for this post! As a family that has had our guts recked from antibiotics, I love having something different to come to for answers with sickness hits our house again. When cold and flu season comes again we will be ready.

    1. g pulcifer says:

      Thank you for this great list. I’ve found that drinking an infusion of oregano is wonderful for knocking out a cold. I’ve also used an infusion of wormwood (no, it doesn’t taste good) for salmonella and other stomach bacteria and it helped within minutes.

  • Heather Duro says:

    Dont forget Lapacho bark, which doesnt harm good bacteria only bad bacteria, dried clove bud is great for intestinal bacterial issues, and uva ursi and yarrow for infections specific to the urinary tract, tulsi and ambla (especially when mixed with added vitamin C or herbs that are high in vitamin C,) also have strong antibiotic properties , neem is another great antibiotic as well. Happy Healing- Heather

  • Lisa K says:

    Great article and thanks for all of the great reference books!

  • Blair says:

    As always, Marjory, excellent. All I can say is agree, agree, agree, make ahead. the last thing you want to do when you feel miserable is be messing around in the kitchen. hitting a bug BEFORE it hits you is the best way. Flu season is a good time to “shoot first and ask questions later.”

  • Bobbie Jo says:

    Thanks for the wonderful information. I was surprised that cancer was not specifically listed as one of the problems turmeric addresses even though “just about everything” and “decreases liver toxicity” was mentioned, turmeric is renowned for helping fight cancer. Someone with this problem that didn’t know it specifically also fights cancer might not realize this. I believe turmeric is very highly antioxidant. Turmeric is one of the best cancer fighters.

    1. Heather Duro says:

      most likely its because the article was about anti-biotic alternatives not anti-cancer alternatives..I am sure when there is an article about fighting “cancer” cells turmeric will come up again, and again 🙂 Happy Healing -Heather

  • Stephen Bolin says:

    Master Tonic – I discovered this about 3 months ago from a wonderful man I’ve gotten to know at our local Farmer’s Market. You can find the information about Master Tonic online. Here is my basic recipe: (all ingredients cut-up small)
    — 1 Cup Ginger
    — 1 Cup Onions
    — 1 Cup Garlic
    — 1 Cup Horseradish
    — 4″ of fresh Turmeric
    — 3 fresh Jalapeno peppers
    — 4 Cups Organic Vinegar -with the “mother”
    — 1/2 Cup Lemon Juice

    I also add herbal tea bags, like Sage, Rosemary, Dandelion, Echinacea as examples

    Mix all ingredients together in a half-gallon canning jar. Add a bit more vinegar to fill it up. Leave about 1″ of space at the top, because you need to SHAKE the bottle 2-3 times each day.

    This Master Tonic mixture needs “grow” for 30 days. Yes, 30 days!. When 30 days is up, strain all the liquid out. I usually get about 48 ounces (from the 64 ounce mixture). I add the pulp to my compost pile.

    I take one ounce of Master Tonic each morning. When I feel a cold coming on, the Master Tonic pretty much says NO!

    This is a really neat thread here, because almost all the ingredients in Master Tonic have been talked about in the above posts. Here in the Master Tonic, they are all together!

    Just a word of caution – Master Tonic is not for people who can’t drink something “strong.” It is a powerful and strong drink. But it works wonders.

  • harpiano says:

    I have 10 of these so far. Through growing or essential oils. I feel pretty good about the amount of herbs I’m growing but always adding more. The Master Tonic is one I use a LOT and it really works! thanks for a great article.

  • Zingara says:

    Great article! I use so many of these herbs and spices in my day-to-day meals, I wonder if that’s why we only experience one, 1-2 day colds a year!? Even my 12 year old, and even when I was subbing in an elementary school all the time! But what I really love seeing mentioned is goldenseal. I grew-up with horrible sinus issues, but because I have SVT (occasional rapid beat) there weren’t any meds the doctors could give me that wouldn’t interact with my heart condition. My mom then stumbled onto goldenseal, and whenever I had a flare-up, she gave me that “icky bitter tea!” (Now I love it, though it’s not bitter enough! LOL)

  • Dianne Petersen says:

    I have used Garlic Oil capsules for earaches for many years by taking a pin and opening a small hole in the top of the garlic oil capsule and squeezing it into the ear with a small piece of wadded up cotton ball added into the ear at the first sign of my ears hurting I have only gone to the Doctor 1x for an ear infection. I have also swallowed garlic oil capsules when I have an infection because I know that “garlic” is mother nature’s antibiotic.

  • bear_ba_loot says:

    Thanks for the information. I think I’ve tried most except grapefruit seeds & oregano oil.
    I swear by coconut oil with tea tree oil (for skin infections) & real vinegars & kombucha with ginger for a tonic to prevent illness. I use a lot of licorice root, steeped into tea & dipped into tea & chewed on (especially for y daughter). I also use a lot of sage, especially steam inhalation & tea for sinus problems. & I found an echinacea & propolis spray for sore throats that works wonderfully.

    For my daughter, I let her self-medicate with a small jar of local honey
    & whichever tea “smells good” for her at the time of her illness. No doctors visits in 6 years!

    I’m surprised that lemon didn’t make the list… I add lemon essential oil to my dish wash,
    & diffuse when cleaning up to stop the spread of anything.
    While living in Egypt, people would rub a half lemon on their face (& squirt lemon juice up their nose) to clear sinus infections & then drink hot lemon for their throats.
    & drink fenugreek tea for any stomach problems.
    Fenugreek saved my life there when I couldn’t keep anything else down.

    Here in Portugal there are small packets of all sorts of herbal remedies (mostly as teas) for just about anything…most of the older generation use them instead of the pharmacies.
    Olive leaf, artichoke leaf, linden, Melissa, echinacea, mallow, red clover, star anise & others are found everywhere.

    Stay healthy!

  • jilltsunami says:

    Colloidal silver, 1/4-1/2 tsp 2x a day “brushing teeth 10+minutes” (to absorb into blood stream). This was life-saving to 95 year old after double major emergency operation that removed 6″ of colon. After operation, his whole body was swelling up. Immediate results and swelling gone after 3 days. This is also effective within hours for strep.

  • warnkj1113 says:

    Last summer, my husband split his head open on a rock after being thrown from the lawn tractor. We’re in a remote area about 2 1/2 hrs from medical help. I had to stop the bleeding and used turmeric paste. Worked beautifully plus NO redness, swelling or infection even though the abrasions had bits of dirt, moss, etc that I couldn’t initally debride. It didn’t sting when applied, just turned his grey hair yellow for a while, lol.

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