Categories for Raising Livestock
[NEW VIDEO] The Best Places To Get Excellent Barn Cats
date_range November 22, 2016
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I have to laugh when I watch the playback of this video… In it, you’re going to see me holding the unofficial mascot of The Grow Network, Tigge
Homesteading Basics: Shave Your Long-Haired Dogs?
date_range October 14, 2016
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I have 2 livestock guardian dogs, and they are both Great Pyrenees-mixes. My dogs love their lifestyle. They don’t come in the house, ever, and qu
This Snake Ate My Chicken Alive!
date_range September 16, 2016
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Everybody Loves Chicken They say everybody loves chicken, and it turns out that holds true for our slithery neighbors as well. Justin Rhodes went out
So You Want to Start Raising Goats?
Karen th..
date_range September 09, 2016
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Why Start Raising Goats? If you are considering goats for your homestead, urban or suburban property the first thing to check out is any local laws co
Homesteading Basics: Do Ducks Like Duckweed?
date_range August 30, 2016
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Duckweed is Great... But Do Ducks Like Duckweed? In the last episode of Homesteading Basics, we took a look at the popular permaculture plant called D