
When to Plant Garlic for a Spring Harvest

If you’re wondering when to plant garlic, or how to grow garlic in containers, you’ll enjoy this next Homesteading Basics video.

I don’t know if you’ve been watching the series that I’ve been doing on container planting, but the container you’ll see in this video is one of my favorites. What I love to grow in this every year is a good crop of garlic.

Generally, garlic is an overwinter crop. In central Texas, I typically planted garlic in October or November. Now that I live in Colorado, I plant it a bit earlier, since it’s supposed to go in the ground about a month before the first frost.

At the time of filming this video in Texas, it was early September—so I had about a month before I needed to plant the garlic.  So I was wondering … “What can I plant? I’ve only got a month!”

UPDATE:  for everyone asking, the container featured in this video is called The Garden Tower 2 and you can purchase it here!

What to Grow if You’ve Only Got 30 Days!

I’ll tell you the best crop to grow if you’ve only got 30 days. Radishes. They are so great. They grow anywhere, they grow fast, and they don’t need a huge amount of fertility.

And, hey, if you’re interested in learning more about growing garlic, be sure to get a free copy of my new e-Book, “The Miracle of Garlic,” which includes access to a VIDEO, “How to Grow Great Garlic.”

In this FREE VIDEO you’ll discover:

  • The BEST time of year to plant garlic.
  • 21 varieties of heirloom garlic–with recommended favorites.
  • Choosing the best garlic varieties for your growing zone.
  • Tips for successful planting.
  • How to tell when your garlic is ready to harvest.
  • Growing garlic in the winter

… plus much more.

Click here to get the FREE “Miracle of Garlic” Report & Video.


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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Barbara Garlich says:

    Where can I find that container garden system? Thanks

    1. Carol says:

      You can find the garden tower here: http://www.gardentowerproject.com

  • Daniel Kolos says:

    Dear Marjorie,
    You have either outsmarted yourself, or you have just outsmarted me, because I could not find the video. I had already asked for and received the free report on garlic as antibiotic, but going through and through your long post/blog is more like professional double talk than simple wildcrafting or even homesteading.

    I don’t really want anything, I have been growing my own garlic for thirty odd years, but I always welcome an alternative point of view or a new idea. Cound not find yours.

    Daniel Kolos

  • Martha says:

    How long have you had your Garden Tower Project?

    I got my tower last spring, but it hasn’t worked as well as I had hoped (in Southern California).

    It looks as if you put one or two radish seeds in each pocket .. is that what you do?

    How do you water radishes in it??? It seems as if when pour I water on the top, it doesn’t do a good job for the lower levels — spraying with a hand-held sprayer is tedious.

    How do you add fertilizer? How often? Or do you?


    Does the soil have to be changed out from time to time?

    Do the worms actually perform the way the GardenTowerProject website indicates? Do you use red wigglers? How do you check to see if the worms are healthy? Or do you just assume they are fine?

    THANKS for helping me with my GardenTower – at the moment, I just have kale, lettuce and rosemary; basil, sage and strawberries all died. The photos on the GardenTower website show so many people with so much success …

  • Jennifer says:

    Hi Marjory, this video was about radishes. Can you please guide me to the video about garlic? (When To Plant Garlic For A Spring Harvest). Thanks, Jen-

  • David says:

    Hi like Jennifer I was looking for the garlic video please advise

  • David says:

    Hi like Jennifer I was looking for the garlic video, please advise

  • Rox says:

    Hi Marjory – I can’t find the garlic video either. Can you please point me in the right direction?
    Thanks much.

  • richard says:

    I am of the understanding Garlic 3.3 ph is a hybrid as with many plants today, especially the carrot.
    I am also of the understanding that hybrid fruit and vegetables have toxins that harm us, due to there LAB births, not land, lab.

    Do you know anything about hybrids and is this true that hybrids are acid base, starches which are not good for people ?

  • Donn says:

    I could not find the how to grow great garlic video. in the garlic ebook, the link does not work. logging in to your website i could not find the video anywhere either.

  • Scott Sexton says:

    I chanced upon a long-forgotten garlic in the abandoned field across the street. It had been growing there since who knows how long. There was probably a home there years ago. And it had been happily growing among the grass and other plants all this time with no water, fertilizer, or care of any kind. It even got mowed over a couple time a year.

    So of course I dug it up and brought the bulbs home with me (don’t worry, there were still plenty left to keep it going in its original home). That was several years ago, and I’ve been spreading the stuff all over my yard with zero care from me. Yay for survivors.

    As a sad aside, the original clump of garlic has been covered over by a debris/wood pile. I’m glad I got mine when I did. I’m not sure if they’ll grow back after the owners burn the pile. Even if they did, the paint on that wood is probably old enough to contain lead. I don’t want to eat any lead garlic.

  • Scott Sexton says:

    Another thought. (And somebody may have beaten me to this). I wonder if you could DIY something very similar to that garden tower thing with a plastic 55-gallon drum. You could cut horizontal slits around the outside of the drum, then use one of those hot air guns (like crafters use) to make the plastic above each cut pliable. Then you could push and stretch the upper flap back, inside of the drum until it creates a little pocket like in the garden tower. Then fill the whole thing with dirt …a lot of dirt.

    Anyway… just an idea.

  • Marjory Wildcraft says:

    Hi Scott, yes, you sure can DIY it – and there are plans out there on the net for it. And, of course there is that time trade-off….
    A couple of nice features about this is the central column where there is a worm bin (basically). That too, can be DIY’ed.
    And the rotating base on bearings is kinda hard to beat 🙂

  • DurwardPless says:

    Really like the garden tower, very cleaver.

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