
The Hidden Dangers of Commercial Dental Care

I do not like going to the dentist for a wide range of reasons—from bad experiences with hygienists to a slew of dental procedures that have cost tens of thousands of dollars. But there is something else, too. The materials and practices used by many dentists are creating toxic dental care.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Dentists and hygienists look for what they are trained to find, so they often see what they want to see.
  • The problems caused by toxic dental material may be masked by the symptoms, which mimic other medical conditions.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Dentist

  1. More than likely, your dentist graduated years ago. Dentistry has changed so much in the last several years. Has your dentist continued his or her education?
  2. Many dentists don’t have the latest technology. It would cost more than $2,000 to update his or her equipment to provide the best possible care. Does your dentist’s office have upgraded equipment?
  3. The American Dental Association and the FDA do not have a problem with mercury-based amalgam fillings, but holistic dentists say they are filled with toxins you’d be wisest to limit your exposure to.1)http://naturaldentistry.us/3875/toxic-dental-materials/ Is your dentist still using these poisonous materials?
  4. The lab your dentist uses is very important. Make sure your dentist is not using an overseas lab or a cut-rate domestic lab that uses tin, aluminum, or even lead to cut costs. What lab does your dentist use?
  5. Dentists can receive a kickback for referring you to a specialist. For instance, you may be told you need a root canal or orthodontics. These specialists give your dentist a referral fee for every patient that gets treatment, even if you don’t need the treatment. Do you need a second opinion?

Remember, you always have the right of refusal or even delay while you get a second opinion.

Toxic Dental Care: What Are They Putting in Your Mouth?


In 2013, research showed that repeated dental x-rays without a neck shield make you predisposed to thyroid cancer.2)https://www.thyroid.org/professionals/ata-publications/clinical-thyroidology/september-2013-volume-25-issue-9/clin-thyroidol-201325201-202/


In 2016, at least 37 children were hospitalized for Mycobacterium abscesses after contracting a bacterial infection from a California dentist’s office. The semi-antibiotic resistant bacteria came from contaminated plumbing supplying the patient mouthwashing stations.3)https://www.aboutlawsuits.com/dentist-water-infections-outbreak-children-111489/

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), outbreaks at dentists’ offices are rare. However, they do admit that even though there are recommended guidelines to prevent bacterial infections, many dentists do not follow these guidelines and procedures.4)http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/health/california-dental-water-bacteria/index.html


Dental sealants are coatings of thin plastic applied to the teeth to prevent decay. The sealants prevent food particles and bacteria from getting into the grooves of the teeth, where it is difficult to brush. Sealants last about 5 to 10 years.

There is some concern that undetected decay can be sealed into teeth, which will quietly continue to decay the tooth.

Also, there is the potential presence of BPA (bisphenol A), a chemical used in some plastics, which has been associated with health and development problems in humans and animals. It has been studied as a potential issue with dental sealants. The American Dental Association research shows that BPA only shows up in sealants in trace amounts.5)https://www.drweil.com/health-wellness/body-mind-spirit/dental-oral-health/are-dental-sealants-safe/


There are many adverse effects of fluoride ingestion:

Brain: Scientists have found dementia-like effects, as well as lower IQ levels.6)https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/aluminium-and-fluoride-in-drinking-water-in-relation-to-later-dementia-risk/14AF4F22AC68C9D6F34F9EC91BE37B6D

Thyroid: Fluoride is an endocrine disrupter, which can lead to problems with judgment and intellect, depression, and weight gain.7)https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9DuLLardcqCgAUTRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYzhoZWF1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDQjcwMTNfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1555553100/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.healthunit.com%2fuploads%2freview-of-us-national-research.pdf/RK=2/RS=eCxEBEgoOjgAU0iReOiUUTmTDPg-

Bones: Fracture risks may increase with fluoride ingestion. There is also a 2005 study by Harvard scientists that found a connection between fluoride and osteosarcoma, a serious form of bone cancer in males under 20 years of age.8)[https://www.ewg.org/news/news-releases/2006/04/06/harvard-study-strong-link-between-fluoridated-water-and-bone-cancer However, it’s important to note that a 2011 article in the Journal of Dental Research says the “association between fluoride and risk for osteosarcoma is controversial” and goes on to add that “no significant association between bone fluoride levels and osteosarcoma risk was detected in our case-controled study, based on controls with other tumor diagnoses.”9)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3173011/

Kidneys: People with kidney disease have a higher risk of fluoride toxicity.10)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325399594_Transcriptome_analysis_supports_viral_infection_and_fluoride_toxicity_as_contributors_to_chronic_kidney_disease_of_unknown_etiology_CKDu_in_Sri_Lanka

The bottom line? Fluoridated drinking water hasn’t been proven to prevent tooth decay, although fluoride in toothpaste does help strengthen and remineralize damaged enamel.11)https://www.thoughtco.com/how-fluoride-works-prevent-tooth-decay-607857 However, there is a link between fluoride and some serious health risks, so proceed with caution.

Toxic Materials and Hazardous Practices

How toxic are the fillings, crowns, sealants, and other materials dentists use to care for your teeth? And how necessary (or harmful) are some of the most common dental procedures? Here are just a few things to consider:


Fillings can be made out of plastic (also called composite and resin), glass ionomer cement, and amalgam (metal).

For more than 150 years, amalgam has been a popular dental filling material. Modern amalgams are produced from an alloy of 42-45%  mercury, with the balance made of zinc, tin, silver, and copper.12)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3388771/

Whether or not the mercury in amalgam leaks at levels of “practical or clinical significance” is up for debate, although even proponents of traditional dentistry admit that some mercury is released after the amalgam is placed in the tooth, and more is released when the filling is inserted or removed.13)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3388771/

Mercury is poisonous and is a known neurotoxin, and the other metals in amalgam alloys can cause health issues, as well.14)http://naturaldentistry.us/3875/toxic-dental-materials/ Apart from toxicity issues, individual hypersensitivy to any of these metals can also be a concern.

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are mostly made out of metal. If you ask your dentist for a porcelain crown, he or she may have a porcelain piece made that’s baked onto the metal. These metals act as a substructure for strength . . . but they also contain nickel.

Nickel is cancer-causing.15)https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/nickel It’s a neurological toxin. Crowns and bridges can also contain palladium, cobalt, cadmium, and barium. This dental work can be a big, toxic mixture.16)http://naturaldentistry.us/3875/toxic-dental-materials/


A lot of dentures are made out of materials that contain cadmium.17)http://www.chelationmedicalcenter.com/cadmium_toxic_heavy_metal.html Cadmium is a neurotoxin.18)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3753751/ The teeth and wires that they use can contain nickel chromium, which can also cause problems.19)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6951258

Polymethyl methacrylate—also known as acrylic or plexiglass—is the pink part of partials and dentures. If your dentist is using that material and you have redness on your gums, you could be allergic to it.


The polishers that hygienists use contain fluoride, sugars, and pumice. Research has shown that polishing can remove tooth enamel, although doing so twice per year (the common frequency of dentist visits) may not be often enough to cause significant damage.20)https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/ask-well-is-tooth-polishing-necessary/

According to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association Position Paper on Polishing Procedures:

  • Polishing is a cosmetic procedure with little therapeutic value.
  • Thorough brushing and flossing produce the same effect as polishing.
  • Continuous polishing can, over time, cause morphological changes by abrading tooth structure.
  • The outer layers of enamel are removed through polishing.

Their conclusion was that polishing should only be performed as needed and not be considered a routine procedure.

Deep-cleaning or Scaling

If you haven’t had the “pleasure” of experiencing this deep-cleaning method, it is a high-pressure water pearl salt that is shot between your teeth and gums to remove tartar and plaque.

Experts say it won’t harm your teeth or gums, and helps prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease.

However, there are some hazards of which you need to be aware:

  • Improper teeth scaling can loosen teeth. If this happens, there is a chance you could lose several teeth.
  • There are concerns for people who have diabetes or heart conditions.
  • Inappropriate teeth scaling may contribute to gum or periodontal disease when bacteria and food debris accumulate in the pockets left by the scaling procedure.
  • If your teeth are already sensitive, teeth scaling can increase your sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink.

While the risks might be minimal and the rewards great, it is still best to be informed. You are your own best health advocate, and that goes for your teeth and gums, too!

In the Pocket

Dentists are increasingly in the pockets of big corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and specialists. Be aware that dentists may personally benefit from selling you . . . well, just about anything from fluoride to teeth-straightening devices.

It’s a question worth asking: Is the dentist making decisions about your dental health more concerned with what insurance companies and corporate managers will say than they are with what’s best for you? There are some very conscientious practitioners out there, and this certainly won’t be the case with every dentist—but it’s definitely a viable concern with some.

Out of YOUR Pocket

The cost of dental care can be prohibitive. In fact, in 2016, the percentage of the US population who needed to see a dentist in the previous 12 months but didn’t due to cost was 8.9 percent—significantly higher than in any other health care industry.21)https://www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Science%20and%20Research/HPI/Files/HPIgraphic_1117_4.pdf?la=en

Buying an individual dental insurance policy costs an average of $350 per year,22)https://www.bankrate.com/finance/insurance/dental-insurance-1.aspx plus out-of-pocket expenses since insurance generally covers only a portion of the actual costs of remedial procedures. (For example, in 2013, Americans paid their dentists an out-of-pocket average of $544 each.23)https://www.bankrate.com/finance/insurance/dental-insurance-1.aspx)

Of course, different dentists charge different rates, but you can get an idea of what you might expect to pay for services (sans insurance) at the site HealthcareBluebook.com. (In Houston, TX, for example, you could expect to pay between $96 and $250 for a regular checkup, between $80 and $208 for a panoramic dental x-ray, and between $216 and $567 for a resin or composite filling on a large cavity. The cost of bridges, crowns, periodontics, etc., goes up from there.)

You Might Also Enjoy:  How Much Will You Spend At The Dentist?

It was George Carlin who said, “Somewhere in the United States is the worst dentist. And what’s terrifying is that someone has an appointment with him or her tomorrow morning.”

My hope is that the information in this article can help ensure that’s not you!

And maybe, just maybe, as patients begin to see the dangers inherent in some common dental practices and insist on healthier procedures and materials, it will persuade the establishment to take a closer, more conscientious look at the dental industry—and make changes that just might save lives.

What are your thoughts on the dental care system? Tell us your stories in the comments below.

(This is an updated version of an article that was originally published August 11, 2017. The author may not currently be available to respond to comments, however we encourage our Community members to chime in to share their experiences and answer questions!)

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1, 14, 16 http://naturaldentistry.us/3875/toxic-dental-materials/
2 https://www.thyroid.org/professionals/ata-publications/clinical-thyroidology/september-2013-volume-25-issue-9/clin-thyroidol-201325201-202/
3 https://www.aboutlawsuits.com/dentist-water-infections-outbreak-children-111489/
4 http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/health/california-dental-water-bacteria/index.html
5 https://www.drweil.com/health-wellness/body-mind-spirit/dental-oral-health/are-dental-sealants-safe/
6 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/aluminium-and-fluoride-in-drinking-water-in-relation-to-later-dementia-risk/14AF4F22AC68C9D6F34F9EC91BE37B6D
7 https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9DuLLardcqCgAUTRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYzhoZWF1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDQjcwMTNfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1555553100/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.healthunit.com%2fuploads%2freview-of-us-national-research.pdf/RK=2/RS=eCxEBEgoOjgAU0iReOiUUTmTDPg-
8 [https://www.ewg.org/news/news-releases/2006/04/06/harvard-study-strong-link-between-fluoridated-water-and-bone-cancer
9 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3173011/
10 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325399594_Transcriptome_analysis_supports_viral_infection_and_fluoride_toxicity_as_contributors_to_chronic_kidney_disease_of_unknown_etiology_CKDu_in_Sri_Lanka
11 https://www.thoughtco.com/how-fluoride-works-prevent-tooth-decay-607857
12, 13 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3388771/
15 https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/nickel
17 http://www.chelationmedicalcenter.com/cadmium_toxic_heavy_metal.html
18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3753751/
19 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6951258
20 https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/ask-well-is-tooth-polishing-necessary/
21 https://www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Science%20and%20Research/HPI/Files/HPIgraphic_1117_4.pdf?la=en
22, 23 https://www.bankrate.com/finance/insurance/dental-insurance-1.aspx
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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Helen Matejovic says:

    Ok thank you for this is great information,now the question is,where do you find the best dentist?

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      I’m working on that article right now. Stay tuned!

  • gthomson says:

    Wow – you all just keep hitting the topics I’m interested in lately. I’m coming up on 54, and haven’t been to a dentist for maybe 20 years. You can probably imagine the work I need. The dentist I had from the time I had teeth, until I was about 25, did well with what was known I believe.
    I was set on this year as the one I got back in to a dentist to start fixing up things, and had a dentist recommended by others as the only one they’d go to. I was about to go. Then I heard about ‘holistic dentists.’ They seem to do things without the toxic materials. And they often re-do work done previously I believe to remove the potentially toxic materials, and replace with something else.
    I have a fairly high pain tolerance… until it comes to dental work.
    And it seems like the holistic dentists first take out what was already done, and then re-do it in non-toxic ways. So that scares me even more – double-whammy on the pain.
    I believe they often cost more and not as supported by dental insurance for the added cost?

    Is there a way to know what my fillings are made of – done over the past 40 years probably?
    Is there a way to know if they are actually releasing any toxic metals into me to know if they should be taken out and replaced?

    I have no doubt I need some dental work. But I also don’t want to get oversold on replacing all previous work if it isn’t needed. The holistic dentists around me (2 that I’ve found in the SoCal area) also seem very young, so not so many years of experience. Would love a holistic dentist with 20 years experience that will just gas me and fix everything 🙂

    1. Helga Daniel says:

      I paid a small fortune for “professional care” that has left lasting damage. One DD shot my upper gums full of epinephrine in 2014 even thou’ I noted that I could not have it in my local anesthesia.
      Consequently, the gums have remained fire-engine red since, not to mention what this did to my heart.

      After years of undetected-by-x-rays decay under a crown with much pain and headaches, one “specialist” sent me home, again seeing nothing on the x-rays and declining a physical check up. $100.- please.

      Another one sharpened (and reused) a syringe needle in my presence, and dropped a crown to the floor that he then inserted into my bleeding mouth without any pretense of rinsing.

      And these are only a part of my negative experiences from these quacks.
      I believe Florida is a magnet to bad dentists that had action taken against them in other States.
      I still haven’t found one good, pro-patient dentist who actually wants to provide ethical care.

      1. Alana says:

        Dr. Robert Branstrator is in Marco Island. He is not a holistic dentist, but does not believe in gouging patients pockets. It’s about what’s best for the patient with him.

  • Carolyn Villanova says:

    Early in the article, it was mentioned that upgrades at the dental office could cost $2000. Is that all? Or is that an error?

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      I could be $2,000 or MORE to upgrade their equipment. It would depend on the equipment needed.

    2. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      That’s an error! Dental equipment costs much, much more…

  • Ronald Wagner says:

    There is no validity to this article . Dentist are required to have continuing education courses to maintain their licensure in every state . Dentists are prohibited from receiving kickbacks for referrals ( unlike lawyers who make tons of money on referrals) . Until there are peer reviewed double blind studies implicating various dental materials as causing any malady I would stay with the current dental therapies as they are very efficacious . Dentists do look for what they are taught ,i.e. Dental pathology or abnormalities ! Is that bad ?? Total bs article with no substantiation !

    1. James says:

      Surprise! Surprise! you’re a Dentist.

    2. cre8tiv369 says:

      You are dead wrong Ronald… My last dentist was told at a dental convention to use Teflon tape (from the hardware store) to plug the screw on an implant before setting the crown with temporary cement (which that cement contained triclosan and is nasty nasty stuff). Teflon tape is used for non potable water plumbing connections and has no business being inside a human beings mouth, right next to blood flow that goes straight to the heart. Dentists get most of thier supplies and concoctions from China and there is no oversight nor consumers protections on dental materials. Dental materials are the Wild Wild West of toxic chemicals and literally anything goes, including plumbers tape used for non potable water connections. Dentists don’t have to deal with the fallout from them poisoning people either, that is the job of a real doctor and real doctors never consider bad/toxic dental materials nor do they have any way to test for them in blood. If you think dentists don’t get kick backs, and are continually retraining/educating I can only laugh at how incredibly naive you are.

  • janet Sellers says:

    I have a loooong history of issues with dentists…nearly 20 years ago I had all the mercury fillings removed which I know was a good thing but how the dentist executed the procedure eventually caused my thyroid to go hypo!! So having the mercury removed is important but so is the How of it which I didn’t know at the time.

    I also nearly died in the chair when the hygenist assistant injected my upper left quadrant for a scaling procedure and I completely passed out. Woke up with paramedics administering oxygen and went to the hospital for EKG while vomiting for four hours afterwards. The Dentist wouldn’t take any responsibility for any of my reactions to the incorrect administering of ephenedrine and insisted i must have been sick when I got there!! I was not sick prior to arriving whatsoever…. seriously dangerous dentists out there.

    1. gthomson says:

      While my reply here doesn’t have anything to do with dental work, this comment triggered something for me to know more about. I had some shoulder surgery a few years back to deal with calcium deposits. They shaved the upper side of bone during the process. They did a nerve blocker type of thing to kill the pain before doing the general anesthesia I think. From what I understand after the fact… that nerve blocker could have potentially collapsed my lung also if that needle was just a little off. If I knew that before, I’m not sure I would have been okay with it. So, like I said… not related to dental, but next time I’ll ask more questions before the day of the surgery.

      1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

        Wow, you know, the existing medical and dental systems have their place, but yes, you sure have to be careful. 2nd and 3rd opinions always 🙂

    2. Helga says:

      My reaction wasn’t that immediate, but I have lasting damage to my upper gums as well as my heart. These quacks get away with murder.

    3. Heather Dakota says:

      Oh Janet, I’m so sorry that you had this experience. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Kris Naillon says:

    I was enrolled in a dental lab technician program. When I was in the metal portion of the program, it has the ingredients on the package of metal we were to use. There was a warning on the label. The teacher, while not wearing a face mask himself had them available for those who wanted to use them. The teacher said that he would not recommend breathing the particles which when you grind on the metal get released into the air. The risk is there.

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Kris, thank you for sharing your story. It’s great to have these perspectives.

  • KEN W WADDELL says:

    I find that your article makes some pretty sweeping statements and implies that the profession is all like that. Some of your assertions are totally untrue. For example it is illegal for a dentist to receive a “kickback” for referring anyone to a specialist. If he/she did they could lose their license to practice.

    While continuing education is mandated it does not necessarily mean that all dentists use the material that they learn each year.

    In terms of updating your office $2000 a year would not probably get you very far.
    I personally do not necessarily like amalgam filings and do not recommend them for people. Having said that there are people who seem to be adversely affected by them and there are those who do not. If you think about it the dentist and his team should be the ones at the greatest risk as they are are removing them daily and thus are exposed to the vapor of doing such. However I am not aware of any study that shows that dentists or dental assistants as a group are at any higher risk than the population as a whole.

    Yes there are materials in dentistry that may adversely affect some people in specific ways, that does not mean that all people are going to be in the same way.

    One of the best statements that I have heard is that the rules of medicine apply to 80% of the people 80% of the time. While I do not know if those statistics are exactly correct, the point is that we need to understand the basic principles and then understand ourselves as individuals and see what works for us.

    While I agree that each patient should be educated, I do not believe that this article provides a balanced look at things. We are all unique individuals and we all should use some caution with what ever product or service that we use. We need to make sure that we look at both sides of any argument in order to be able to consider the different claims.

    I have practiced dentistry for 36 years and have worked at keeping up to date on materials and practices. I can honestly say that many of your statements about people reactions to various products are certainly possible but not very prevalent,

    I agree with you that about metals overall and I try to minimize their use in the dental setting as much as possible. For example virtually all of my crown and bridge work is all ceramic.

    I would just encourage you to be a little more balance when you write such an article, because I think that it is good for people to know of potential problems, It is also important for people to know about the probability of experiencing those problems. That is what you missed in your article.

    Thanks for listening,

    Dr. Ken Waddell

    1. Abby says:

      Dr. Ken….do you do root canals? Will you or do you admit how dangerous they are?

    2. Heather Dakota says:

      Dr Ken, Thank you so much for your professional look at this article and for bringing your perspective.

      1. Yosf says:

        I agree with Dr. Waddell’s statement that you make some very sweeping statements. You also make claims without references. Where is your reference for the statement, “Amalgam fillings have been scientifically proven to be detrimental to human health since 1927.”? My dentist and I talked about mercury fillings. He told me that he was taught that mercury becomes inert when used in fillings and that there is nothing to seep out into your system or any gases released. I have not made a decision on what I believe about this. If you are trying to bring people over to your point of view you need to be extremely careful to reference every claim.

  • Jean S. says:

    The article was well done. I worked for a holistic dentist for 6 years several years ago. It is the most toxic place b/c most of the materials really don’t belong in your mouth. There is a correlation between good health and the health of your mouth. When we removed mercury fillings from patients with cancer and many other auto immune diseases, their diseases reversed. However, any underlying infection in the jawbone needs to be treated for the diseases to stay reversed. Also finding replacement materials that are the least toxic is important. I don’t think there are any non-toxic materials in dentistry so it is better not to have any if that can be done. A good diet and the use of nutritional pharmacology are important to maintaining good health b/c once you have damage to your jawbone and teeth, it is a continuous process to maintain what you have.,

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Jean, Thank you so much for telling your story!

    2. Leonie Wynne says:

      Went to a holistic dentist and it was going to cost me a fortune as I had deep gum pockets and 4 of my front bottom teeth were a bit loose and I’d lost a lot of gum tissue in that area. What he told me did make sense but in the end I declined as it was going to cost me approx $5,000. I did a lot of research and found out I was cleaning my teeth wrong (should be on a 45degree angle) so the side of the tooth brush can get into the gum line. I gargle with 3% hydrogen peroxide (very weak solution) a couple of times a week and also every 2 weeks I warm some coconut oil and swish around mouth for about 5 minutes then spit out and rinse mouth (don’t swallow as it will be toxic) which apparently cleans out plaque deposits. I also started on 1 tablet of K2 (not K1) vitamin which strengths and repairs teeth and reduces bone loss & helps keep blood vessel walls flexible. I don’t floss (I know I should) but use small little brushes to clean in between teeth but not every day. The other fact I found out is if you are having a root canal make sure you go to an Endodontist – they specialise (so they have had an extra 3 years doing this) in root canal therapy as well as doing their normal dentisty training. Normal dentists can do it but not as well and if it is not done well you will suffice later! This was told to me by a work colleague who had a daughter in dentistry as an endodontist. Also Green tea and Sage tea helps with gum retraction and Yarrow (powder) helps prevent bleeding gums and toothache. Hope this helps someone 🙂

  • Denise says:

    Unfortunately there are still many dentists in denial of their inadequate education. I know from talking to different dentists that they were wined and dined by their superiors and advised to not mention the toxicity of “silver” (mercury) fillings. In fact, they were told to make sure to call them silver fillings or amalgams rather than say the word “mercury”. They were also “taught” that other materials used to fill teeth are just as toxic as mercury so it doesn’t matter what you use so you might as well use what is cheapest and easier for you (the dentist) It doesn’t sound like what is good for the patient was at the forefront of this decision making process. Why?
    I personally found a dentist with certification through the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and I have no regrets. I had all the mercury fillings in my mouth removed safely and replaced with material that was found to be compatible with “my” body through Clifford Testing. The protocol for removing mercury and replacing was extensive.. took 4 weeks and required special equipment to avoid further exposure. By the way, if mercury is not toxic, Why does it need to be handled as “toxic waste” according to the EPA and OSHA standards? And it is costly to dispose of this toxic material taken from one’s mouth.
    Because your mouth is part of your body, this toxic material does have an impact on health. It took a while after the removal, but with continued detoxification efforts I have overcome a thyroid issue along with other health concerns. I will NEVER visit a conventionally trained dentist again!

  • anna says:

    SOTA magnetic pulser!!! it sends a safe electric shock into you which is supposed to kill infections. i used it on an infected tooth that had swollen up my whole face (in combination with liposomal vitamin c). my face is back to normal and the tooth has no pain, i am waiting for my holistic dentist to get back into town to remove it because i dont want a damaged tooth, but i have suppressed the symptoms and killed the infection for now.

    i think this machine would be of aid to anyone who had any sort of jawbone pain. i heard a dentist say TMJ was actually caused by “cavitations” and while i pray that everyone could get scanned for and treated of cavitations by a holistic dentist, another cheaper thing that might help while you are saving up money for that is the SOTA magnetic pulser, it might be able to kill the infections like it did for my tooth (in combination with homemade liposomal vitamin c)

  • anna says:

    this is how you find a good dentist– https://iaomt.org/for-patients/search/

    1. Grace says:

      I don’t see anything about these dentists except there location with out reviews or an explanation of how they would do things more natural or healthy what makes you say these dentists are better? I really am looking for a good dentist and having trouble finding someone I will be comfortable with. I have had more than one really bad experience with different dentists.

      1. cre8tiv369 says:

        Check out oralwellness and here is a link to their page on how to find a good dentist.


        (They link to iaomt for the search but give more info as well)

  • Ris says:

    When will you be having a downloadable version? I have no gadgets for DVD’s anymore to watch alternatives to dentists?

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Hi Ris. Are you looking for a downloadable version of the article or a downloadable version of “Alternatives to Dentists?” If for the article, we are working on that feature for our new website, but feel free to copy and paste into a word document. If you share it, please link back to the article. If you are looking for the digital version of Alternatives to Dentists, it is available at the link at the end of the article. Let us know if you need further help: happiness@thegrownetwork.org

  • Penny M. says:

    This is all news to me Penny I need my teeth fixed I do have a six tooth bridge in the front of my moth and one crown I have had many teeth removed now a dentist broke my bridge big part of the front big tooth is broken then a tooth on the front right smaller tooth has broken clear to the metal of the bridge it is exsposed to every thing and in fact it is cutting me and no one dentist will help me get it fixed I need help on the lower jaws I have no teeth to eat or chew my food at all now I had to have two teeth pulled on the upper left jaw by my bridge and fell like I am always drolling all the time I do need help with my teeth and no one at all as a dentist will fix the bridge what so ever or fix anything what so ever I need help can you tell me what to do to get the help that I need I got hurt years ago I was pushed from a semi truck and that is why I have the bridge thanks for your time I would like to learn more about you all thank you for sharing this information

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Hi Penny, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this kind of grief. You can see more articles about oral care, right under the article to the right “Related Articles.”

    2. cre8tiv369 says:

      Check out oralwellness, they have good info and advice. You are most likely at the point where you will need dentures or supportive dentures (attached to implants) often referred to as all on 4, all on 6, or all on 8. You might also look into getting that done in another country like Canada or Mexico. A lot of times the entire cost of a dental vacation is much much less than paying the incompetent crooks… er… I mean dentists, in the US.

    3. cre8tiv369 says:

      You might want to go do some reading and research on oralwellness.com, they have good info and advice. You are most likely at the point where you will need dentures or supportive dentures (attached to implants) often referred to as all on 4, all on 6, or all on 8. You might also look into getting that done in another country like Canada or Mexico. A lot of times the entire cost of a dental vacation is much much less than paying the incompetent crooks… er… I mean dentists, in the USA.

  • Tracy says:

    I’m interested in the CD you have a posted above, “Alternatives to Dentists”.
    Let me know how I can receive it.

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Hi Tracy, click on the image at the bottom of the article, and it will take you to a page where you can purchase the DVD or the digital version. Let us know if we can help: happiness@thegrownetwork.org

  • Deb says:

    I had 13 silver (mercury) fillings placed in my mouth 50 yrs ago which is why I had physical and mental problems till I had them replaced 5 yrs ago (I’m 61 yrs old). Unfortunately I had them replaced incorrectly and spent 6 hrs with total mental breakdown. I almost went for medical assistant but chose to wait to avoid sedating medications. Since then I detox regularly because of the metals but unfortunately I now deal with seizures which is being controlled with CBD. Anyway I no longer deal with physical and mental problems that I lived with for years. Prior to having my silver fillings replaced my gums were so inflamed the conventional dentist I was seeing was gong to do major surgery on my gums which I declined since I was fearful of loosing all my teeth. The silver fillings made my gums so inflamed which promptly disappeared when the fillings were replaced…I feel GREAT and got my life back….I see a mercury free dentist who does clean my teeth every 6 months but doesn’t use harsh ingredients on my teeth.

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Aw, Deb! I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all of that, but happy things have turned around. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  • Julie says:

    I’ve had all kinds of nighmares with dentists. From inappropirate behavior to dental work including mercury cavities on teeth that didn’t have cavities. I;ve even had a dentist refuse treatment and have me sign a waiver because i couldn’t afford to do what he wanted even though I’d been down that road with other dentists and knew what the referral would say and do. Now I have severe bone loss in the front and they want to do a bridge and deep cleanings etc. What do you suggest?

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Julie, that is a tough position to be in. My suggestion would be to keep searching. There will be a dentist or medical professional who can help you with your problems. Have you watched Alternatives to Dentists? That would be a good place to start. Click the image at the bottom of the article. Then, you can always contact Doug Simons (the author of the video) to see what he suggests.

    2. cre8tiv369 says:

      Sounds like a bone graft and implants would be a better idea Julie. You are going to need to take the time to go do some consultations and get profession opinions. I would start with a couple of iaomt dentists and a couple recommended local yokels if you can (just to get a good mix of opinions). https://iaomt.org/for-patients/search/

  • I listened to Doug Simmons interview on The Power Hour on YouTube last night. It was awesome! I can’t wait to watch his video. I was told by my sons dentist that he has no enamel on his teeth and that there is no way to regenerate enamel. I’m very excited to try his methods. Thank you for the great information!

    1. Heather Dakota says:

      Let us know how your Alternatives to Dentists goes!

      1. Lori Rupp-Reagle says:

        I watched the Alternatives to Dentistry video online, and I received my kit the other day. It is great!! Thank you for the free horsetail! I am going to watch it with my family so we can all get on the same page with our oral care. I also bought some horsetail that arrived in great shape and seems to have transplanted well. Now time to plant the horsetail you sent me! I’m very excited to implement what I’ve learned! Thank you as always for your wisdom and inspiration!!

        On another note, I just saw that Doug will be at The Mother Earth News Fair in Topeka, KS!!! I’m so excited to see his presentation! 🙂

    2. Louise says:

      Your son may have a very serious PH imbalance (highly acidic*), perhaps from diet or another health issue, that needs to be addressed. A good reference for PH on the internet is Dr. Mark Sircus. To address his basic mineral imbalances go to Dr. Jay Davidson on the net.
      He should use Revitin as often as possible daily to nourish his teeth and support their microbiome, but no harsh toothbrush. If he consumes grape seed extract, it will streighten his teeth’s dentin, which is right below their enamel.
      By then adding comfrey** and food grade diatomaceous earth along with most
      of the following, the teeth’s enamel can be remineralized by the body in a natural, but expedited fashion:
      Oat Straw
      Shave Grass
      Stinging Nettle

      *Note that neutral or alkaline on a fasting urine PH strip is indicative of being seriously acidic.
      **Note that comfrey has been used safely for centuries, but will cause the release of toxins that an unhealthy liver or kidney may not be able to handle. I consume it in smoothies. It’s also taken as tea.

      Closing note: I’ve tried to answer this in the context of the oral topic, teeth. However, there’s every reason to assume the teeth in this case are only the visual symptom of a MUCH bigger problem, or the dentist may well be exaggerating the enamel issue.

  • Sara says:

    I never had gum line cavities until after I had a “deep pocket” tooth cleaning by a professional dental technician. Now I have several of them. She caused receding gums and scratched my dental enamel so deeply, it was not able to recover fast enough. Her office charged me $400 and did hundreds of dollars worth of damage to my teeth. I have not allowed anyone to “clean” my teeth and my bank account since.

  • Shash says:

    When I look at posts like you send, and see that in order to get additional particular information, I have to pay. I am put off. Perhaps I saw it wrong? I have been using MMS for several years and its use has kept my teeth and gums pretty good. I went to a dentist several years ago who looked at my teeth/mouth and said “I don’t know what your financial situation is, but if you can I’d recommend you have all your teeth removed and …. It was the last time I went to him. His hygienist told me to go to have some deep work done to repair my gums. It is what got me started using MMS each time I brushed. When I went to another dentist I was told I had good teeth and gums.
    I would really like to know what to do – without having to pay for a seminar or some such – to replace having my teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist. That is what I go for now

    1. Emily Sandstrom says:

      What makes you think that people who have spent a lot of time and effort learning and putting together a presentation to help people should not be paid? They go to the grocery store too. If you don’t aim to help them, why do you think they would or should help you?

  • Debbie says:

    I have avoided dentists for most of my life. Unlike many people I know, I have never gone for the recommended twice a year cleanings, believing that they must wear down the enamel, ultimately causing more problems than they solve. I have found that probiotics go a long way in controlling the bacteria that cause plaque and other dental problems.

    My last experience with dentists resulted from a tooth that had cracked, allowing debris to get under the gum line and cause infection. That was in May 2009. When I went to have it checked, the dentist told me that the filling that was put in some years earlier had weakened the tooth, causing it to crack. What was his solution? He drilled out the old filling and replaced it with a new one. Naturally, in January 2010, eight months later, the tooth had cracked again. I could not go back to the same dentist, because I had moved over two hundred miles away, so I had to schedule an emergency visit with a dentist I didn’t know. After driving quite a distance in the middle of winter to see a specialist, on his recommendation, it was decided that the tooth needed to be pulled, and so that was what was done. I haven’t been back to a dentist since, and hope to not have to go for a very long time. I guess that my lesson from this is that some dentists don’t make any more sense than some doctors. If too much filling caused the initial problem, how was even more filling supposed to solve it? I will continue to rely on my own body to tell me what it needs, and use natural home care whenever possible.

  • Sue says:

    Hello Marjory (and Dakota)

    Yes I do have a personal story on this
    topic of dentistry you are covering here. A
    while back; before there was any substantial information on a condition
    Called TMJ most dentists were totally in
    The dark about it. I experienced all the symptoms first/hand. The dentist could not identify with the symptoms and dismissed it as being well “in my head.”
    I had excruciating jaw pain and heightened sensitivity to sound cuppled
    by an overbite. I was actually hurt by being told that since it wasnt a legitimate dental problem.So, I decided to take it a step further and see an orthodontist.The best he could do was prescribe was a plastic appliance that fit over my
    teeth to align the teeth so the tension on the jaw would be eased up. The pain radiated throughout my shoulder area with all this happening. It was really a nightmare since no dentist had a remedy
    for the problem or wanted to acknowledge that it even existed. Years later; I read there were many more cases
    of TMJ or were misdiagnosed as something else.This and those amalgam fillings which have now been considered a possible cause for other health issues makes me leery about dental treatments.
    I question whether these treatments will be good for the whole body or will the body suffer long-term effects later on from any given procedure.

    That’s why I became very interested in alternative remedies. Thank you for looking at problems differently and providing more natural solutions that are
    better for our environment and personal

  • Diane says:

    My dental health used to be in my opinion aweful. Even though I had little gingervitus I was getting cavities, I had dry mouth, I even had a motor just fall out. I made a couple of small changes that made a huge difference. I traded out my toothpaste for one without floride and started dipping my toothbrush in coconut oil and useing about a pea size of the new toothpaste for flavor mostly. It’s been over 2 years with no cavities. My dry mouth went away very quickly and the tiny what could have been a cavity starting when I firs began doing this also went away. My hygienist asked me if I drink coffee because she couldn’t tell. My teeth are naturally white, my gums are healthy, and no gingervitus! The only other thing I do is if I get any type of abrasion on my gums I add a drop of tea tree essential oil to my regime.

  • You actually make it appear really easy with your
    presentation but I find this matter to be really something that I think I’d never understand.
    It kind of feels too complex and very huge for me. I’m taking a look forward
    for your next post, I will try to get the grasp
    of it!

  • Tanya Sydney says:

    I can attest to the fact that Heather does NOT make “sweeping generalized” statements. In fact, most of what she writes is, unfortunately, very true. My uncle was a dentist and later a dental laboratory technician/owner, as was I. I owned and operated a dental lab in California for about 20 years, and had more than 50 dentists as my clients. So I think I can speak to this issue with some authority.

    First off, Heather is right in that the quality and integrity of the dental lab is just as critical, if not more so, to a patient’s health as is the dentist. And, as with all industries, there are good, responsible practices and practitioners as well as some that are outright negligent and downright criminal.

    I won’t go into everything that people should to be aware of, as Heather has already summarized this pretty well. I would simply urge everyone to carefully shop for a dentist (this applies to doctors as well) the way you would shop for anything that was important to you. Never leave all the decisions to the dentist (it’s your mouth and your health at stake) and do not ever be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to, to determine to your full satisfaction, that the practitioner you entrust your oral health to is the right one for you. Also, feel free to quiz your dentist about which lab he/she uses along with the quality and ingredients of the dental prosthetics.

    Biological dentists will always be your best bet, if you can afford them. Better yet, if you can avoid all dentists completely, so much the better.

  • bob says:

    i have for years known of the dangers of flouride… and i am pleased that someone is finally speaking out publicly about it… Fouride was used in the Nazi concentration camps to tranquilize the people, and to sterilize them so that they can better control the population…. the following is a quote from Dr.Bronner.
    “Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity–treason!” Dr. E.H. Bronner, Mfg. Research Chemist, Los Angeles.

  • Joyce Yoder says:

    I am one of these people who is type 1 diabetic & just experienced a nightmare with the dentist who did a root canal on me. He knew I was diabetic. He proceded to the root canal after xrays that showed a tooth that another dentist had just given me a full mouth xrays & there was a descrepency on the tooth # 20 & 21, he disagreed with the tooth they said needed fixing. I let him do the root canal as he was a saver of teeth he said. He injected a pain reliever between upper & lower jaw & only drilled partly as he said would take 3 parts to take out all the infection & closed the first one with Cement. The next day I was in urgent care, I had broke out with the worse case of shingles in my face, neck,ear, mouth & head. I have been on pain& nerve medication now for almost 2 months.Still on them.I am scared to do anything more, when I went to see him he said yes this could happen, He had given me 2 rounds of antibiotics aftertthe fact. I am still in bad nerve pain & numbness, my life has been miserable every single day. Very little let up on anything. just more drugs. Please help me.

    1. mrs j says:

      joyce, am sorry that this experience has put u in such pain…………….don’t know if alternative pain killer would help but try b12 pellets that iherb.com sells, cbd oil w/o the thc at TheRawfoodstore, also if you have an integrative medicine doc, he may be open to b12 shots (done intramuscularly-not difficult) that wld be a rx via compounding pharmacy. also essential oil of frankcense, investigate other oils as well. but most importantly determine via your doc if your pain/detox pathways are working at the upper level because a genetic mutation called mthfr can interfere (Spectracell blood test) so that it is estimated that 40-50% of the population here in usa have the mutation. Dr Ben Lynch has a website devoted to this at mthfr.org where more info is available. this genetic info was found in 2001 and a lot of conventional docs do not attempt to really consider this in regards to patient pain….rather just do a rx and leave it at that!! No wonder there is an OPIOD crisis here in america and 1,000’s of people are dieing/addicted needlessly. I was lucky to find my doc and get tested in 2013 (explained why so many pain meds DID NOT WORK-yes even Fentanyl!! So in the end also try to find the best pain relief for your body and not just take whatever a medical person suggest.

  • Denise says:

    I had all of my front teeth removed as recommended by my old dentist when they loosened up and became painful to bite into foods. This dentist kept telling me I wasn’t brushing and flossing enough. I knew better. I had grown up with an established habit of brushing every morning and night. With the worsening of my teeth and gums, I cleaned them more often. I especially increased flossing to remove food debris caught in the growing pockets. I felt I had no choice but to have my teeth removed. If only I knew then what I know now about a sick gut showing up in my mouth.

  • kmeggison says:

    My son is a dentist. He graduated from UIC in 2010. He has purchased 3 dental offices from retiring dentists in the last 9 years and it has cost him well over $1m to update them. Dental equipment is extremely expensive. $2,000 would not cover even one single instrument that is used daily in his office and he has to buy multiples of each for each operatory.

    He has gone the extra mile to buy everything he needs to do most of his lab work in-house and he offers his own family/individual plans due to the high cost of insurance for both the patient and the doctors. Dental insurance is costly and doesn’t cover even the most basic care. He charges a monthly fee, which covers pretty much everything.

    While there are offices that don’t necessarily put the patient first, there are still some, like my son, who truly care about their patients and do everything in their power to offer high quality, professional care to their patients.

    1. Emily Sandstrom says:

      I was 12 years old and my father didn’t believe in dentistry. He said to pull the tooth with pliers myself. Somehow I got twelve dollars, and I walked to several dentists to get the tooth filled. They all refused of course. Except this one old guy with belt-driven equipment. To this day, dentists know that was the equipment used. Anyway, I made a deal with the dentist to do it for the twelve dollars. He had dreams of being a child molester but I was a very nervy kid.
      He sent a bill to my address I told my father what happened. My father went to see that man, and I dunno what he did, but I do know it probably wasn’t pretty. No more bills.
      Lately, I told a dentist who was to pull a tooth that I was resistant to antibiotics and needed more than usual, as much as I hated that. He prescribed one course, and was on a church mission to a third world country when I asked for an extension on the antibiotics. He adamantly refused, and so did the dentist who was taking his patients. I killed the infection, I hope, with massive doses of Citricidal over a long time. This dentist’s self-righteous abuse causes me to just not see a dentist and hope for the best. Uh, maybe Daddy knew best?

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