
Three Easy Food Storage Tips: Marjory Wildcraft Interviews ‘SurvivalMom” Lisa Bedford

Here I am interviewing Lisa Bedford, from TheSurvivalMom.com, who is your classic suburban mom who is also preparing for different kinds of disasters (which is the subject of her newly released book) in simple, easy-to-do ways that anyone can do, even if you have very little free time.

Lisa also covers getting started in food storage when you have family and small kids…essential skills that you can start doing today!

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Walter says:

    Do you include videos in all your newsletter editions? They open very slowly for me and I don’t have time to waste on them. Thnx

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi walter,

      No I don’t always do videos. Sometimes written, and sometimes podcasts. Hmmm, I am getting each video transcribed. I wonder if there is a wya to get that text transcription available for download so you can get the information in a lower bandwidth text format.

      Would that be useful?

      How many other people would like that? Please chime in if you would like the text transcription available on the page.

      1. Pat Willis-Loser says:

        Hi Majory,
        Yes, I would love to have a written transcript of your videos. Thanks.

  • JP says:

    Have been enjoying reading your blog. Thanks for so freely sharing the knowledge you put into it.
    I typically prefer text over videos — I can read much faster! So if you transcribed your podcasts and videos, I would certainly value them. Occasionally, I will want to see a video — such as to see how something is done.

    1. JP says:

      Also — I meant to say that text is skimmable whereas video, not so much.

  • Jeanne DeSilver says:

    Transcription would be great! I like the videos but sometimes I can’t get the volume loud enough for my aging ears.

  • silver says:

    I only have access on school computer and can not see videos. I hate missing so much info – please include a written account for those like me. Tia – SC

  • Lind says:

    Thank you for sharing this information but that video with Lisa was quite poor quality. Tip #2 was skipped over on the video when I listened to it (twice). The back drop was unattractive and the background noise was distracting. Just thought you might appreciate some feedback. Your work is important and I hope you stick with it.

  • Bev Dowling says:

    I can’t hear them with full volume

  • Charlee says:

    I love this! I live on a farm, and do a lot of my own home canning and food preservation, but I have several friends who live in the city and are always asking me how to get started. I tell them to start with something they like, such as jam, soup, or even pickles and then go from there. I think it is really important that you start small and work your way up to avoid frustration. I really love the matter-of-fact approach Lisa takes, and can’t wait to read her book!

  • p says:

    For efficient transcription, try asking nutritionfacts.org for their faves. They routinely transcribe Dr. Greger’s short videos, and the videos are good quality too (don’t go dim when you pause them, like so many online). Reading’s almost always faster than talk, and visual details are nearly always better pictured (or well-drawn).

  • penny says:

    Go, Lisa! After Y2K, six different families offloaded their stash of buckets on us…kidney beans, pinto beans, rice, wheat, oats, split peas, etc. Those buckets were sent by God, and we ate well during 1.5 years of un- and underemployment while raising 9 children. Never turn down a gift like that–learn how to cook with those ingredients!

  • Helen says:

    I like the videos, so please keep them coming, however this one doesn’t show on my iPad at all.

  • Noreen says:

    I just don’t watch videos. They take too long and I get more out of reading than listening.

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