
Can Plant Medicine Heal a Broken Bone?

Whether they realize it or not, people often believe in herbal medicine as a solution for minor ailments.  Many a kitchen cabinet holds peppermint tea to address stomach discomfort, for example. But what about the larger medical issues in which limb and even life are at risk? Can herbal medicine heal in those situations?

Sam Coffman thinks so. Known as The Herbal Medic, Sam had his first profound healing experience with herbs while he was training to be a combat medic in 1990. He broke his thumb at a critical juncture in the training, and needed it to heal fast.

In this excerpt from his upcoming presentation at our Home Medicine Summit, “Emergency Medicine for 3 Major Hiking Accidents: Broken Bones, Hatchet Wounds, & Severe Falls,” he explains how he used just two herbs (the only ones to which he had access) to treat the break.

Home Medicine Summit -- Starts October 15!

Get the whole story in this 5-minute video:

Then, be sure to check out Sam’s entire FREE presentation at The Grow Network’s Home Medicine Summit, which kicks off Monday, October 15! In it, you’ll learn:

  • Specific steps to take when dealing with a medical emergency in a remote, austere, or post-disaster scenario
  • Sticks and rags first aid (for when you have no supplies)
  • The golden rule in emergency medicine

And much more!

Get your free ticket to the Home Medicine Summit here: https://thegrownetwork.com/hms-fall-2018-registration


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This post was written by The Grow Network


  • Heather Duro says:

    my husband healed his broken ankle and my mom healed a broken wrist and hip with medicinal herbs and other natural modalities, no western medical intervention other than an X-ray to confirm the break.
    Happy Healing

  • MikeF says:

    +1 for this technique.

    I am currently using comfrey and a few other herbs under a compression wrap to heal a tendon problem in my wrist.

  • Nadia Cassar says:

    Hey thanks for the interesting video, article and discussion! I’m guessing that a major bone broken from the arm or the leg should be aligned back in place first, and then heal it with herbs … is that right? Thank you for any insights! 😊

  • Grammyprepper says:

    I would vote yes, Nadia, a major break would need realigned. Also note that he said he does have a calcium deposit at that site on follow up xrays.

  • Grammyprepper says:

    Stupid computer…to continue my response…

    The calcium deposit is obviously a part of the healing process. That is why a break in a large bone would need realigned first. It could also likely end up with a calcium deposit, but if not realigned first could end up not only with deformity of the limb but also deficiency in use of the limb.

    I am not a doctor, don’t play one on tv, but this is just an educated guess not medical advice.

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