
Homemade Liquid Fertilizer: The Easy Way to Feed a Large Garden

This simple, effective recipe for homemade liquid fertilizer is highly customizable—so you can use whatever you have on hand!

How to Make Homemade Liquid Fertilizer

As shared in my book Compost Everything, feeding plants with homemade liquid fertilizer allows you to stretch fertility a long, long way and reuse “waste”:

Many people have written in to say how much they appreciate this simple method for creating homemade liquid fertilizer for plants.

As Gardener Earth Guy commented on the video:

“This is the absolute best garden trick I’ve learned in a long time. My bananas have gotten giant, sweet potatoes have rope vines, and loquats are getting giant. What doesn’t get a chop ‘n’ drop goes in the bin.”

You can throw in weeds, fruit, kitchen scraps, urine, manure … just find organic matter and throw it in. I like a wide mix.

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“Homemade Fertilizers—15 Simple and Inexpensive Options”

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This is a pretty simple batch, only containing moringa, compost, cow manure, and urine. I did get some Epsom Salts after making the video and also threw that in. A 55-gallon drum of homemade liquid fertilizer like this can easily feed 10,000 square feet of corn for a growing season. I know—I’ve done it!

It really beats making “normal” compost and having to spread it all around.

What Do You Think?

What’s your favorite recipe for homemade liquid fertilizer? Any additional tips beyond what I’ve included in the video? Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!


This article was originally published on March 13, 2018. The author may not currently be available to respond to comments, however we encourage our Community members to chime in to share their experiences and answer questions!

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This post was written by David The Good


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