
Food Forensics: Are You Eating “Healthy” Poison?

Mike Adams’ New Book: Food Forensics

Mike Adams, editor of the popular site Natural News, recently released a new book that is making some big waves in the health food industry.  It’s all about the discoveries that Mr. Adams has made at his central Texas laboratory, where he analyzes the chemical makeup of food and water from various sources.

You might expect that the book would be full of findings that expose the toxicity of traditional industrial foods.  But the book also focuses on products that you wouldn’t expect…  “Organic” foods, health foods, vitamins, supplements, and “super foods.”

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The Big Picture

The book’s primary focus is on heavy metal contamination.  Mike Adams analyzed several popular products that are marketed in the health food segment.  He focused on mercury, tungsten, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.

The published findings are very eye-opening.  As an example, tungsten poisoning is associated with increased risk for strokes.  Acute tungsten poisoning can occur at only 5 parts per million.  The lab found tungsten levels to be double that amount – 10 parts per million – in rice protein products that are popular in the health food segment.  Rice protein products were also found to have more than 500 parts per billion of lead content.  The CDC’s threshold for lead poisoning in children is 50 parts per billion per deciliter of blood.

The findings don’t stop at health food.  The EPA’s maximum allowable limit for mercury in drinking water is 2 parts per billion.  The lab found mercury content in excess of 500 parts per billion in products sold as treats for cats and dogs.

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Breaking the Silence

As you probably guessed, this book is not at all popular with the health food industry.  Mike Adams claims that he was offered money and huge advertising contracts to not publish his findings.

He fully expects that he will be the target of several lawsuits as a result of this book.  And he has already been targeted by misinformation campaigns and efforts to discredit his work, lead by some big companies in the industry.  The motivation behind these attacks is completely transparent, even if the policies of the industry are not.

However, Mike Adams did not immediately go on the offensive to attach the offenders as he identified them.  In many cases, he contacted the companies directly to notify them about their findings and suggest that they voluntarily recall the problem products.  Rather than handle the situation with transparency and accountability, most of the offenders chose to deny and/or attack.

The Natural News Forensic Food Lab

The Natural News Forensic Food Lab where Mr. Adams did this research is ISO 17025 accredited.  That accreditation depends on international standards for procedures and accuracy, regularly verified by third party audit.  They follow standards from the AOAC (Association of Analytical Communities), EPA, NIST and FDA.

To determine the heavy metal content of the foods and other products covered in this book, the lab used ICP-MS instruments calibrated and certified as accurate by the original equipment manufacturers.  Several of the published tests were also sent to outside labs – commercial and university – to verify the results.

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Do You Love This? Show Your Support

If you value this work, consider picking up a copy of the book.  You will gain a lot of knowledge about the reality of the health food industry, and you will help to ensure that more research like this makes it into the hands of the American public.

You can order the book on Amazon here – Food Forensics: The Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and How You Can Avoid Them for Lifelong Health.  If you use this link to purchase the book, The Grow Network will receive 4% of the value of your purchase.

If you’re interested in the information, but you’re not ready to buy the book, you can provide your email address here: Food Forensics and Natural News will send you a free PDF copy of the book’s introduction (15 pages).

And, as always, a quick reminder that the healthiest food available, anywhere, comes right from your own back yard!


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  • Gary says:

    Does Mike expose the offenders in the book? Does he name names? I’m already convinced these problems exist, I want to know specifically whose products to avoid. Thanks!

  • Meg says:

    Love the idea of this book. The only thing I can say though to your comment the healthiest food is from your own backyard – is only if – you have had your soil tested for heavy contaminants. As you could be ingesting high levels of lead etc depending on what the land was used for or had done to it.

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