Categories for Wild Food
3 Edible Weeds You Can Find in Urban Areas
James Sm..
date_range August 30, 2019
view_list Wild Food
Do you know how to identify catbrier, dollar weed, and dock? Here's what these edible urban weeds look like—and how to use them.
Cattails: 10+ Uses for the Swiss Army Knife of the Swamp
Scott Se..
date_range June 13, 2019
view_list Wild Food
From food source to fire starter—and a whole lot in between—cattails are among nature's most versatile plants. Here's how to find and use them.
Grow a Weed Garden! Identifying and Using Chickweed
Scott Se..
date_range May 13, 2019
view_list Wild Food
A weed garden can be a wonderful, low-work source of food and medicine. Ready to get started? In this article, TGN blogger Scott Sexton explores the p
How to Love Thistles When You’ve Been Hurt Before
Scott Se..
date_range October 11, 2018
view_list Wild Food
Thistles are a prickly bunch, but did you know that they're also delicious? Learn more about how to harvest and eat them, plus about their medicinal p
Soothe a Sore Throat With Herbal Ice Cream
Scott Se..
date_range August 29, 2018
view_list Wild Food
Sometimes when you’re sick and miserable, you just need some good comfort food. Enter herbal ice cream—it's a delicious frozen medicine that can f