Categories for Primitive Skills
What I Learned From Building a Cob Rocket Stove
David Th..
date_range January 17, 2017
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If you're looking for a fun weekend project, I highly recommend learning to make cob, then building your own little cob rocket stove. It's a nice back
Why Go Barefoot?
date_range February 25, 2016
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The Best Minimalist Shoes are Homemade Marjory loves to go barefoot. And she's not alone. In this video, she talks to master herbalist Doug Simons abo
(Video) Building an Oven with Cob
David Th..
date_range October 26, 2015
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I usually like to do things fast! Why bake when you can fry? Why whittle when you can use a bandsaw? Why bother planting all your seeds in perfect
Growing My Groceries’ Groceries
date_range October 15, 2015
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I want to eat wholesome food. I think anyone who wants it ought to be able to eat wholesome food, but cost is a barrier for too many people. Like me.
Teen Wilderness Adventure Series
date_range July 03, 2015
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Get ready for an extreme outdoor adventure as you learn the skills required to live in the woods! Imagine yourself being able to track deer, rabbits,