Categories for Homesteading Skills
Prepper Millionaire; Lessons From Ersatz In The Confederacy Part 1
date_range August 01, 2013
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The magic formula for wealth is very simple and well known: buy low and sell high. But like many things, the practical implementation of that is a bit
Weird “Survival Food” For A Disaster Or Collapse
date_range July 30, 2013
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By Jeff Anderson When most people think of "survival food", they think of MRE's... canned goods... dried foods... etc.  All of these have their plac
(video) Most Overlooked Homestead Tool; The Lowly Bucket
date_range July 21, 2013
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This video shows the most common and under appreciated tool on your homestead - but it is a critical item.  For those of you with lists of things to
6th Annual Bug Eating Festival In Austin, TX
date_range June 21, 2013
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Bring the kids! Bring yourself! But leave everything you've been taught about good table manners at home. We're gonna eat bugs! Entomophogy…T
Homemade Shampoo & Feminine Hygiene After Economic Collapse
date_range June 06, 2013
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If you've been following the series of posts on homemade shampoo's you know I've been experimenting...  and so many of you wrote in to suggest using