Categories for Homesteading Skills
Have You Ever Wasted a Perfectly Good Tomato?
date_range July 12, 2015
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Never Waste Another Tomato You work long hours in the garden, pruning and picking at your plants in the sun and in the rain. You wrestle with countl
12 Ways to Make a Zucchini Surplus Disappear – With Recipes
Cat Wilson
date_range July 11, 2015
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So you decided to grow zucchini and now you have a zucchini surplus? Not to worry, my dear! Keep reading for 12 easy recipes that will put that surplu
Teen Wilderness Adventure Series
date_range July 03, 2015
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Get ready for an extreme outdoor adventure as you learn the skills required to live in the woods! Imagine yourself being able to track deer, rabbits,
Homesteading – A Radical Re-Evolution
Tasha Gr..
date_range July 02, 2015
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Developing the Skills that Really Matter While the U.S. might have one of the most highly-skilled work forces in the world, we probably number among
Listen, Honey, You Can Make this Delicious Treat at Home
date_range July 01, 2015
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Do you love honey? My family and I do. I mean we love, love, love it. For the past several months I’ve been working towards largely reducing our whi