Categories for Homesteading Skills
Don’t Miss Marjory’s Appearance in this New Documentary Series – The Search for Sustainability
date_range October 25, 2015
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Marjory was recently interviewed to be part of an empowering new documentary series called The Search for Sustainability. The series is premiering onl
How to Properly Store Your Garden Sprays, Potions, and Powders
date_range September 30, 2015
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As any gardener will tell you, trying to keep track of your amendments and sprays is a bit of a guessing game and can be really confusing. Especially
What We Learned about What “They Say”
date_range September 27, 2015
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We live out in the boonies, in south-central Tennessee, in an old house that has been sticky-taped together over five generations. Five acres, or so,
How Eating with the Seasons Changed My Life
date_range September 22, 2015
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A Story of Personal Change and Growth I've been health-conscious since my late teens, when I became a strict vegetarian.  That choice alone forced me
Why I Chose the Self-Sufficient Life
date_range September 22, 2015
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It's almost become cliché now, the city dweller who packed it up and moved to the country to become a homesteader. So you've probably heard this stor