Categories for Homesteading Skills
8 Principles For Welcoming Rain Into Your Life And Landscape
date_range August 03, 2017
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This is an in-depth interview with Master Rainwater Collector Brad Lancaster. No matter where you live there will be dry spells to droughts. Having mu
How To Identify Plants Quickly
date_range August 01, 2017
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Marjory Wildcraft interviews Botany In A Day author, Thomas Elpel about how to identify plants quickly and easily.
Home Defense – Do You Need a Gun to Garden?
date_range July 10, 2017
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Home defense is no joke if there is a collapse. Hear the story of why Marjory Wildcraft became a gun owner.
Gardening Supplies, Why I Love Stainless Steel: Homesteading Basics
date_range February 23, 2017
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In this next Homesteading Basics video, I'm going to show you why you should look for stainless steel the next time you’re at a thrift shop or garag
What I Learned From Building a Cob Rocket Stove
David Th..
date_range January 17, 2017
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If you're looking for a fun weekend project, I highly recommend learning to make cob, then building your own little cob rocket stove. It's a nice back