Categories for Homesteading Skills
6 Homesteading Skills You Need To Know—And Where To Get Them
date_range August 28, 2017
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In this episode of Homesteading Basics, Marjory tells you the homesteading skills you need to know and where to get them.
Making Your Clothes: An Important Survival Skill
Karen th..
date_range August 27, 2017
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Making your clothes is easy, fun, and an important survival skill to add to your homesteading knowledge.
Kids and Gardening: Fertilizing Our Future
Melissa ..
date_range August 26, 2017
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Kids gardening ensures an abundant future. Help them learn how to grow their own food and medicine.
Planting by the Moon and Stars: Great Idea or Hogwash?
Anthony ..
date_range August 23, 2017
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Planting by the Stars is a centuries-old method of planting by the Zodiac Signs and the Moon. Is it brilliant or hogwash?
How To Choose A Generator For Your Homestead
Karen th..
date_range August 15, 2017
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What happens when the power goes out, choose a homestead generator before disaster strikes.