Categories for Herbs & Flavorings
‘As Hot as a Razorback’s Armpit’: Survival Foraging Across the Ozark Highlands Trail, Part 2
Scott Se..
date_range August 17, 2018
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Join Scott on he completes his 30-Day Survival Challenge with a hike across the Ozark Highlands Trail, eating only foods he can forage, hunt, and catc
Sodium for Survival: 8 Ways to Find This Essential Nutrient in the Wilderness
Scott Se..
date_range August 07, 2018
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Sodium is an essential nutrient -- but how do you find it when you're living off the land in a survival situation?
Living Off the Land: Surviving Week #1
Scott Se..
date_range July 12, 2018
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In a survival situation, could you forage enough food to last 30 days? Here's how to survive the first week when you're living off the land.
Learning to Grow Ginger and Turmeric in the Midwest
Writing ..
date_range March 30, 2018
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Can you grow ginger and turmeric in cold climates? You can! Here's how.
Apartment Gardening: Reaping Abundance in a Small Space
date_range October 26, 2017
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Whether you want to reap an abundant harvest in a small space or extend your growing season with indoor gardening, this fifth article in the Apartment