Categories for Container Gardening
How Much Food Can You Grow in a 26 Inch Space?
date_range July 05, 2015
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We get a lot of questions and comments from people who want to grow their own food, but have limited space to garden. Today I want to show you an exci
Update On Tire Toxicity Gardening Experiment
date_range April 25, 2014
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It was so shiny, and only $8.  I held it in my hands feeling both its weight and its lightness.  Maybe holding it a little longer would help me deci
(video) Experiment To Determine If Growing In Tires Is Toxic
date_range March 20, 2014
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There has been quite a heated discussion about the toxicity of growing food in tires.  I've decided to put the question to test with an experiment.
Growing Potatoes In Tires Can Work
date_range February 07, 2014
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With all the concern regarding the safety of growing potatoes in tires, and how to grow in the successfully, I thought I would add my experience to th
Are Old Tires Or Treated Wood Safe To Use In Gardens?
date_range February 02, 2014
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Marjory's note; I put out a request for articles on making one of those 'potato' gardens out of old tires.  You know, you start the potato plants in