Categories for Dental Care
Equisetum Hyemale: Tooth Health Hero + 8 More Horsetail Benefits!
The Grow..
date_range January 16, 2023
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Horsetail benefits and restores teeth, bones, connective tissues, hair, and nails. Here’s how to find and use handy Equisetum hyemale.
7+ Ways to Prevent Gum Disease and Heal Your Gums
The Grow..
date_range January 11, 2023
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Discover the many natural ways you can treat and prevent gum disease.
15 Foods That Cause Tooth Pain
The Grow..
date_range July 26, 2022
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The foods you eat can damage your dental enamel and cause tooth pain. Here are 15 foods to avoid, plus strategies to heal sensitive teeth.
Is Toothpaste Safe? 8 Toxins Lurking In Your Toothpaste
Marjory ..
date_range August 19, 2021
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Is toothpaste safe? It depends. Here are 7 toxic ingredients found in many brands of toothpaste ... and how they can damage your health.
Toxic Dental Care: 11 Ways Your Dentist Can Make You Sick
The Grow..
date_range October 10, 2020
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Here's how to protect yourself from toxic dental care and the hazardous materials and procedures that are widely used in commercial dentistry.