
How to Avoid Garden Pests & Disease, Organically (VIDEO)

Tom Bartels over at GrowFoodWell.com has a great series of free gardening videos that he’s agreed to let us share with our TGN Community. (Thanks, Tom! 😉 The second video in the series is full of great tips on “How to Avoid Pests and Disease” in your organic garden.

(Miss the first video on how to design your garden so that you only have to weed once per year? Watch it here.)

If you’ve ever felt the frustration of being “attacked” by pests or disease in your veggie garden, the tips in this video can help you avoid that experience. Diversity and natural systems can create a more stable balance in the garden.

Check out the video here:

By the way, Tom offers a free 46-page “Food Gardener’s Quick Start Guide” e-Book over at his site that you’ll definitely want to get here.

For a very limited time, he’s also offering his incredible, in-depth Food Gardener’s Video Workshop to TGN犀利士
Community members at a major discount. Learn more here.

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This post was written by The Grow Network


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