Homesteading Blog

Browse Our Sustainable Living Blog

When it comes to living self-sustainably, there are so many different factors that are necessary to ensure your success. We understand that managing all the aspects of homesteading can be very overwhelming. To make it easier to start, and continue, your journey, we’ve broken down the elements of sustainable living into bite-sized chunks on our homesteading blog. 

Explore articles that delve into methods for growing your own food, making your own remedies, caring for your soil, composting everything (even the stuff you’re “not supposed to compost”), and so much more. Browse our entire collection of sustainable living blogs to discover some of the most comprehensive resources for building your eco-friendly way of life.

Anaerobic Compost Tea: An Easy Way to Stretch Your Compost
David The Good
date_range July 25, 2022
view_list Compost & Soil

Long ago, I used to spend a lot of time making big piles of greens and browns—carefully mixed, watered, turned, and sifted.... And yet I never had e

‘The Grow System’: Audiobook Now Available!
The Grow Network
date_range July 18, 2022
view_list Education

My new book, “The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living—From Growing Food to Making Medicine,” is now available!

Hibiscus Tea Helps a Heart Stay Healthy
Writing Contest Entry
date_range July 18, 2022
view_list Contest Entries

Studies have found that hibiscus tea is as effective in treating hypertension as some popular blood-pressure prescriptions.

3 Hidden Dangers of Buying CBD and 3 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself
The Grow Network
date_range July 18, 2022
view_list General Health and Nutrition

Protect yourself from the potential dangers of buying CBD—from untested products to mislabeled contents—with these 3 easy methods.

How to Rescue a Garden Destroyed by Grazon Contamination
David The Good
date_range July 11, 2022
view_list Compost & Soil

If you apply manure, hay, or straw to your garden and start to see oddly twisted leaves on your plants, you may be dealing with Grazon contamination.

How to Dress for Working in the Heat
Marjory Wildcraft
date_range July 11, 2022
view_list Homestead Safety

Dressing to stay cool when you're working outside in the heat isn't as simple as putting on a tank top and shorts. Learn Marjory's best tips in this v

How to Make Herbal Sunscreen
Scott Sexton
date_range July 08, 2022
view_list Foraging

Here's how to make herbal sunscreen, plus details on "edible sunscreens," herbal after-sun care, and common-sense solutions for sun safety.

Our Expertise

Marjory Wildcraft founded The Grow Network with a purpose and a mission in mind. Our company was created to stop the destruction of our planet, prevent the extinction of the human race, overhaul modern medicine, and fight against the root causes of modern diseases. Our team is composed of passionate individuals with tons of expertise in their field. Every one of our team members is passionate about our homesteading blog, permaculture farming, and sustainable living in general. Everyone contributes to our Community, sharing ideas, developing guides, and creating videos.

Growing a Community

In addition to the advice you can find on our homesteading and permaculture blog, we also started a forum to help community members find answers to some of their most burning questions. We understand that each of you is operating in a unique environment and needs answers to personalized concerns. Find a new home online with our homesteading blog and the eco-friendly community at The Grow Network today!