What skill would you like to master today? Our TGN Academy offers in-depth courses in more than two dozen topics, covering gardening, herbalism, and raising livestock!
Learn the Skills You Need to Become a Better Gardener (+ Homesteader and Herbalist!)
What new skill have you been wanting to learn? How to become a better gardener? Make home medicine? Raise goats or chickens? Add vitality to your soil or improve your personal health? We offer in-depth training in these topics and many more in our TGN Academy!
As a TGN Academy member, you’ll get access to 30 amazing trainings in the form of in-depth eCourses, multi-expert Learning Experiences, and mini Weekend Projects.
Plus, more trainings are added regularly.
TGN Academy eCourses
TGN Academy eCourses are multi-lesson master classes taught by one expert instructor and designed to provide a deep introduction to the topic at hand. They are intended to be completed over the course of several days. Current eCourse topics include:
- Bio-Intensive Gardening
- Nutrient-Dense Soil
- Instant Master Gardener
- Growing Edible Mushrooms
- Saving Quality Seeds
- Greenhouse Construction
- Cultivating Cannabis
Raising Livestock
- Raising Backyard Sheep
- Backyard Chickens for Egg Production
- Raising Backyard Meat Rabbits
- Raising Backyard Meat Ducks
- Raising Goats
Herbalism and Natural Wellness
- Making Herbal Medicine
- Conquering Sugar
- Home Medicine 101
- The Grow System
- Herbal Energetics
Wildcrafting and Foraging
Weekend Projects
Our Weekend Project Mini eCourses are taught by one expert instructor and designed to teach you DIY skills you can master in just a few hours. Current Weekend Project topics include:
- Growing From Kitchen Scraps
- Small-Space and Container Gardening
- Vermicomposting
- Off-Grid Watering System
- Water-Bath Canning
- Pressure Canning
- Worm Bins
- Bitters
- Essential Oils
Learning Experiences
New to the TGN Academy, Learning Experiences bring multiple expert instructors together and provide a wide array of educational resources on a particular topic. Resources often include full-length videos, eBooks, articles, audio recordings, and more.
While eCourses and Weekend Projects can be purchased individually in the TGN Store, Learning Experiences are exclusively available to Academy members.
Current Learning Experience topics include:
- The Dental Experience
- The Bee Experience
If you’re not an Academy member yet, you can gain access to all of these eCourses, Weekend Projects, and Learning Experiences by joining today. Click here to learn more!

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!