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The 5-Minute Prepper #1: How to Prepare for a House Fire
Marjory ..
date_range April 25, 2020
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You're more likely to face a house fire than a headline-making disaster. Here's how to prepare for this everyday emergency.
Clone Your Favorite Tree With Easy Air-Layering
David Th..
date_range January 27, 2020
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As a plant-propagation method, air-layering is simple, effective, and works on a wide range of fruit trees and ornamentals. Here's how to air-layer.
The Only 3 Gardening Tools You Actually Need
David Th..
date_range January 23, 2020
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You could fill your shed with gardening tools, but all you really need are these 3 essentials.
Gardening When You Have a Bad Back
Marjory ..
date_range September 12, 2019
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Gardening can be a real pain with a bad back. Learn how to prepare your garden beds if you have a bad back or disability.
The 6 Best Crops to Grow in Really Hot Weather
Marjory ..
date_range June 24, 2019
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Gardening in really hot weather? Here are the best crops to grow, what not to do, and some surprise options you've probably never heard of.