
How to (Safely) Participate in World Naked Gardening Day

Of all the public activities that humans like to do naked, swimming ranks first, but gardening in the buff comes in as a close second. It makes sense that gardeners like to garden naked. I mean, how much closer can you get to nature?

That’s why so many gardeners, farmers, homesteaders, and permaculturists get excited about World Naked Gardening Day. It’s a day to celebrate the natural human form, to get back to nature, and to throw away convention and let it all hang out!

World Naked Gardening Day isn’t associated with any specific company or individual. It is simply a day where people all over the world encourage each other to garden in the nude. Sounds pretty great, right?

The Do’s and Don’ts of World Naked Gardening Day

World Naked Gardening Day is meant to be celebrated by whomever, wherever. But unless you live in the middle of nowhere with lots of acreage and zero neighbors, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make yourself and everyone around you much more comfortable about this “holiday.”


  • Don’t participate if your garden is in your front yard.
  • Don’t participate if your garden is a community garden or on public property of any kind.
  • Don’t forget to warn everyone who may be living in your house/on your property. No one wants a surprise like that first thing in the morning when they wake up and look out the window.


  • Do have a great time!
  • Do clean possible grass, dirt, and other debris out of your tits and bits after celebrating this “holiday.”
  • Do get creative! Go over to the forums and share your pictures and ideas!
  • Do participate no matter how you look. We love the human body in all shapes!

‘I want to participate, but how…?’

Now that you have an idea of what you probably should and shouldn’t do, you’re most likely wondering how you can show your friends that you participated without leaking your own nudes.

Like I said earlier, you’ve gotta get creative! But if you’re having a hard time with that, here are a few ideas to make your pictures more appropriate:

  1. Use an apron and have a photoshoot with all the vegetables you plan on cooking for dinner.
  2. If you’re a guy, simply turn around.
  3. Use hand shovels or lettuce leaves to cover your breasts.
  4. Use a meticulously placed watering can.
  5. Peek your head and shoulders out from behind trees and bushes.
  6. Use a potted plant or two.

If you follow the tips in this article, you’ll be able to celebrate this fun holiday without creating too much of a stir among your friends and neighbors. Now go out there, get close to nature, and enjoy World Naked Gardening Day!

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This post was written by Kimber


  • terry7709 says:

    So when is World Naked Gardening Day?

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hmmm, I am not sure.

      RIght now???

      Early May??? But I really think that August would be a better time for the Northern hemisphere. And May is better for the folks down under.

      1. kal40az says:

        May 5th

  • Scott Sexton says:

    Oh my word. This should be interesting. 😉

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Oh yeah Scott! LOL. I just posted up my photo in the forums – and you know how something on the internet lives forever…. ha ha! Actually I am thinking in a decade or two I’ll be glad 🙂

      I am thinking of getting super ripped, and then posting next year – this this is kind of like my ‘before’ image. How is that for a dream??? It’s also like that idea I’ve had of getting in super shape and being Zena for Halloween.

      But you would be surprised at how many of the Grow Network team said they were going to post images. So let’s see!

      Yup, this will be interesting.

  • Cindy Pellusch says:

    Actually, it has never crossed my mind to garden naked.

  • Beau says:

    I think that I put on my dating site profile that I like naked gardening, but had NO IDEA that there was a world day (that nobody seems to know when). The hot gal next door probably wouldn’t mind, but her old mom might…or not. I just cleaned up my pantry and killed dozens of Brown Recluse spiders, but not all; some relocated. I still am feeling imaginary creepy crawlies all over me, but I think one might have stung my sac. That would be ugly.

  • Bert says:

    Anastasia’s Dream (from siberian tiaga, Ringing Cedars) is the only possible sustainable reality.

    Inch by inch, her dream is being fulfilled. The priests of insanity will shriven up and evaporate. And all the children of the world will rejoice.

    Through this wonderful reset back to “naked gardening,” we “learn” or “see” or begin to visualize our power to commune emotionally with wild herbs and weeds. As their gift, they have preserved the DNA of happiness for us. Perhaps we might even weave threads from the fibers, and make simple cardigans — locally made and happily grown, with simple decorations made from local gathered colors.

    We begin our return back to who we really are, when women gather up the innocence of their menses, and return it back to mother earth, from which it came. This simple act will return back to Mother Earth a hundred billion terabytes of information about the health of humanity. From the feedback loop, She will make our garden soils more fertile, and us sentient humans more aware and responsible.

    The issue is our innate innocence. Innocence is beingg reborn. Long live Innocence!

    1. Brian Moyers says:

      YASSS! I’m geeking out that you mentioned Anastasia as she came to my mind when I read this article as well! The Ringing Cedars books should be mandatory reading for all humans!

  • Joanna Newcomer says:

    This will be fun

  • Brittany S says:

    “Do clean possible grass, dirt, and other debris out of your tits and bits” 😂😂 I love it!!!

  • Jimerson says:

    Hahaha, great post Kimber!

  • clairemarie183 says:

    Based on the amount of poison ivy in my yard, I’ve never really considered naked gardening – LOL!

  • Steve Korbay says:

    The weather looks good, I’m ready.

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