
Upcoming Webinar; How To Find The Perfect Survival Retreat

If you are considering making a move, or setting up a backup location you absolutely want to get in on this call (accessible via phone or web) going on in the members area.  In an hour long presentation, with time afterwords for live Q&A, you’ll learn

–  3 simple steps to finding the perfect survival retreat
–  Use your biggest threats and fears to find your region
–  The 9 areas already known for survivalists and preppers
–  Avoid the biggest mistake survivalist and preppers make
–  How far out of town should your retreat be located?
–  Find your perfect community by having a good time
–  The most important things your specific property must have

This presentation is one of the many benefits of being a member of the core community.  Plus, if you sign up before Dec. 9th at 5pm CST, you’ll get a special bonus; you’ll get a free download of the ebook “7 Shortcuts For Finding The Perfect Survival Retreat”.  The ebook normally sells for $27, but is included free if you become a member of the core community before the deadline.




This is the free ebook that comes with your new membership if you join before Dec. 9, 2013 at 5pm CST




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This post was written by Marjory


  • Roy says:

    Please send link for todays video thx

  • Mary says:

    I purchased your ebook and dvd’s…. Question:
    Are there ways to contact people to get more info about areas that I’m interested in moving to?

    1. Hi Mary,

      I gave several suggestions for how to find like minded folks, or prepper groups in the ebook and in the webinar. I have had so much request for this service that I will get that coded up in the members area a.s.a.p. Which might be a few months, but it is near the top of the list. Your support by becoming a core member really does help. So please join even though – to be honest – the thing is really primitive right now.

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