
Rewilding: Do You Want To Live As a Semi-nomadic Hunter / Gatherer? with Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory interviews a woman who lives as a semi-nomadic hunter gatherer. Pixy travels through the National forests, BLM land, and friendly ho犀利士
mesteads with a small herd of goats and two children. Would you want to join her and experience creating tribe?

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Lori King says:

    Hi, I would love to be in contact with Pixy…this may sound strange but my adult son has been an organic vegan since he was 15, firm believer in sustainability and living as close to the land as possible. He has a business in Arcata CA and gleans trimmings from vineyards and fruit and vegetable farms and gives them away. He has encouraged me (at age 66) to pursue sustainability and growing my own food. It seems that he and Pixy are kindred spirits.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Lori,

      I’ll send you an email intro to Pizy. I have to admit she doesn’t answer her emails very much – uh, that is understandable. I rarely hear from her. But I think I’ll see her in the fall at the next primitive skills gathering. I’ll send you her email address though.

      1. Where is the primitive skills gathering going to be at in the fall? Maybe I will be in the area.

        1. Hi Melissa,

          I have not seen Pixy for more than a year now. I have an email address for her, but it never gets responded to. So sorry – I don’t have any other contact info. The primitive skills gathering is outside of Rexburg. Its called Rabbit Stick and hosted by http://www.backtracksllc.net

          1. Thank you, I found that primitive gathering on line and I plan to attend in Sept. Oh well I guess if I am meant to meet up with pixy the universe will make it happen. Thanks for your response and info, I appreciate the knowledge. Take care, and thanks again. Melissa M. LPN

          2. Melissa,

            I hope to see you at Rabbit Stick. When getting into the flow of a hunter gatherer, yes you let the universe do its thing on you more than trying to structure your life as we do in the civilized world.

  • judy b says:

    I just viewed the segment on Pixy and her nomadic ways
    I find it very fascinating and reminiscent of a time
    when the “hippie” movement was stronger, and many communes
    sprang up. We need to revisit this era of self sufficiency
    and encourage young people to develop there skills.

    thanks and good luck on the journey

  • TISH says:

    I would love to learn more on the life style Pixy lives

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      I’ll definitely be bringing more wildcrafting and wild living lifestyle info onto our space. Stay tuned.

  • Travis says:

    I have watched this video several times over the last few months, each time feeling like I wish to be out there more and more. I would appreciate passing on my info if you would be so kind. Thank you.

  • faultroy says:

    While I am not ready for the hunter gatherer lifestyle I would love to know more about it.

    Has she been interviewed at depth? Are there any links to stories about her experiences etc. Does she use the computer and have a blog–I assume not, since it is not mentioned.

    However it be great if someone could furnish a lot more details–for example do they have vehicles to move the goats. How far do they range?
    If you have goats grazing on BLM land, don’t you need a permit? Do they have a route they go on for winter activities. I’m sure they don’t live sustainably in Idaho during February.

    1. Hi Roy,

      I haven’t seen Pixy in a long time. You have lots of good questions and I’ll try to get a longer interview with her next time I see her. No, she does not have a blog…

  • I have emailed you(M. Wildcraft) in several places to try and reach Pixy. I am planning a trip this summer that will take me all through the Idaho area. I am actually going to travel for an entire year…I really feel strongly to talk/meet up with her and discuss the way of life she and her group has created. I may want to travel with them for a while. Please pass on my info. I would greatly appreciate it…
    Thanks again, Melissa

    1. I see you respond in a timely manner, please do not think I was being rude in my above response. I have emailed you on other websites with this video, unaware it was posted here. I would love her email as well, and any info you can give me on the primitive skills gathering for this fall.
      Thanks, Melissa M.

      1. Hi Melissa,

        You know, I we post articles on YouTube and other people re-post them all over. I only have time to respond on this site. Glad you found me!

  • Jeff says:

    I’m interested in semi-nomadic living. Looks as you are unlikely to contact Pixy again but if you do I would like meet the tribe or get in contact with an other semi-nomadic group you meet along the way. You can email me.

  • Jennifer O'Donnell says:

    Hi Marjory! Thanks for your videos. What’s the best email to get ahold of you? Thanks! Jen

  • Healthier4u&me says:

    Hello, I also wanted to say I am impressed with Pixie and her children and their desire to unhook from the crazy paradigm that we have unconsciously created. It will take fortitude and intention to make a change but things will be going sideways for some time. I feel that before people take this step of stepping from our paradigm into one that is thousands of years old, which we have actually lost the old skills from, there needs to be an intermediate step. This step I envision is what Marjorie is doing right now, educating those who are interested in becoming self reliant (I am working on that hot and heavy right now) and still on Lesson One, soon to start my map of my local wild edibles. It makes me sad that we just keep spraying our two acres of commercial land because it is open to the public, and there are just two of us, we don’t have time to take care of it like we should. I have enclosed two areas of about 10×12 for my chickens and my garden so animals can’t get it. My wild crafting skills are going to be first on my self reliant checklist. I wouldn’t feel comfortable having to walk into the desert or woods without first knowing what I need to look for and gather as I go. If there are any wildcrafting real life workshops in AZ, I’d be interested.

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