
Listen to This Month’s Ask Me Anything! Podcast, With Marjory Wildcraft and David the Good

On the fourth Thursday evening of every month, David the Good and I host The Grow Network’s Ask Me Anything! podcast. Or, as I like to call it, “your monthly edition of insanity and ridiculousness sort of related to homesteading and home medicine.” 😉

Ask Me Anything! Podcast - Marjory Wildcraft  Ask Me Anything! Podcast - David the Good

All of our Honors Lab members are invited to bring their gardening, homesteading, and home-medicine questions to the conversation. What results are some really useful discussions—thoroughly peppered with practicality, the wisdom earned through years and years of experience, and lots and lots of laughs!

Being able to connect with David and me like this every month is a perk for TGN’s Honors Lab members, but there are always so many good questions (and … dare I say it … so many good answers!!! 😉 that I thought you might enjoy listening to the podcast.

Click Here to Listen to This Month’s Ask Me Anything! Podcast

And remember, if you’d like to become an Honors Lab member so you can connect with David and me every month on the podcast, you can do that here.

Hope to chat with you next month!

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft

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