
The One Thing You Need to Know About Compost Piles

I had some friends house sit my property in Colorado while I was away in Puerto Rico. Well, they decided to build a compost bin for the property rather than tossing food scraps. I really appreciated the gesture and effort they put into this project. The system they created was great and the choice to using palettes was perfect. However, they made a classic mistake! I figured given this common mistake and my need to rework their design that this was a great opportunity to make a video and clear things up.

Check out the video I made and I’ll show you what you need to know about compost piles and exactly how to avoid making any mistakes.

To learn more about compost and soil fertility, check out these related resources: https://thegrownetwork.com/category/composting-soil-fertility/

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft

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