
Join the TGN Street Team!

Do you enjoy answering questions and sharing your experiences when it comes to gardening, homesteading, and/or making and using home medicine?

If so, I may have an opportunity for you.

The Grow Network is looking for some helpful, knowledgeable men and women to join our Street Team.

You’ll get free membership in the TGN Honors Lab in exchange for staying active in our online Forums. (Ideally, we hope you’d be posting a couple of times per day.)

As an Honors Lab member, you’ll receive full access to:

  • All 8 of our in-depth master class Certifications (with new ones added regularly!)
  • Our monthly Ask Me Anything! podcasts, which allow you to connect directly with me (and often a guest expert, too!)
  • 2 information-rich webinars/videos/DIY presentations per month, presented by experts in their fields
  • Inside Edition, TGN’s private, in-depth monthly newsletter, which goes out only to Honors Lab members
  • And lots more!

Learn about everything the Honors Lab is (and isn’t) here.

If you’re interested in joining the TGN Street Team and posting regularly in our online Forums in exchange for free Honors Lab membership . . .

. . . Simply click here to take a 2-minute questionnaire that will help us get to know you a little better and learn about your areas of interest and experience. After you complete it, we’ll be in touch with an e-mail explaining the next steps. (But don’t worry — the process is super-simple, I promise!)

Click here to let us know you’re interested in joining the TGN Street Team!

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This post was written by The Grow Network

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