
How to Use Mulch Successfully: High-Performance Garden Show—Season 7, Episode 7

Watch (and learn!) as Lynn Gillespie—an organic farmer for over 30 years and owner of The Living Farm in Paonia, CO—plans, plants, tends, and harvests a high-performance garden.

Lynn has a unique “learn along with me” garden teaching system. You will actually get to see everything she does in her garden for an entire growing season, as she seeks to produce enough food so that she can eat something she’s grown every day for a year.

Below is the next episode in the season. (And stay tuned, as Lynn will have another update every week!)

Episode 7: How to Use Mulch Successfully

High-Performance Gardens are virtually weed-free. Learn about different mulches you can use to keep the weeds down, the moisture up, and the microbes happy!

If you would like to learn more about how to use these mulches successfully, you can 犀利士
anic-garden-mulch-options” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>watch this video on mulch.

Additional Resources

The Living Farm eCourses

Stay tuned! We’ll be publishing a new episode in this series weekly!

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