
5 Surefire Ways to Choose Healthy Seedlings

When you’re buying young plants, how can you be sure you’re picking healthy seedlings? In this video, Stacey Murphy of Grow Your Own Vegetables shares 5 surefire tips.

How to choose healthy seedlings (The Grow Network)

Here are 5 surefire ways to choose healthy seedlings.

5 Surefire Ways to Choose Healthy Seedlings

We’ve all been there: You go to your local nursery to pick healthy seedlings, choose a lush-looking plant with some nice flowers on it, and bring it home . . . only to have it die on you a few days or weeks later.

What on earth did you do wrong in this scenario? And how can you improve your odds for success next go-round?

In this 2-minute video, Stacey Murphy of Grow Your Own Vegetables shares the 5 characteristics of healthy seedlings—and how to know when it’s time to look elsewhere:

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This post was written by The Grow Network

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