
Homesteading Basics: The Morakniv

The Homesteading Basics Tool of the Month

Cutting away dead branches, cutting open feed bags, opening product packaging, chopping up vegetables… even processing livestock. There are so many tasks that are quicker and easier if you have a good quality knife on your belt.

And the plastic sheath that comes with the Morakniv clips easily onto your belt or overalls for quick, convenient access. Try out the pink version – it’s hard to lose!

Video: The Most Overlooked Homestead Tool – The Lowly Bucket

Meet the Morakniv

The Morakniv is a knife that the Grow Network really likes. In fact, Marjory keeps several on hand to give as gifts to people who do nice things to help us out. And she took several with her down to Mexico last fall to give as gifts to the Tarahumara people (If you missed that story, you can read all about it here: Extreme Agri-Tourism Chapter 1.)

Moraknivs are made with a special Swedish cold-rolled stainless steel that has more durability than some cheaper stainless steel knives. There is a huge variety of models available for different purposes and with different price tags. The Companion model that Marjory is showing here is available for about $20 US. The blade on this one is about 4 inches, and that’s sufficient for most of the daily tasks you run into around the homestead.

Marjory was never a fan of stainless steel blades before she met the Morakniv. The higher quality stainless steel holds its edge much longer, and it’s possible to sharpen it yourself using a whetstone without a grinder. Here’s Marjory to tell you all about it herself:

Where to Get a Morakniv

Morakniv is made in Sweden. But, guess what!? You’re in luck because you can purchase them on Amazon! Check out the collection of Morakniv’s on Amazon.

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Maryann says:

    Thank you for an informative video. I am always learning from things on this site. It is much appreciated!

  • Mel G says:

    Nice video. Just a question: Why do you cut open your feed bags? Isn’t it much easier to pull the string?

  • Dave S at Ft Bragg NC says:

    First, I’d like to say the Homesteading Basics videos are fantastic! I love ’em! Please keep making these fun, practical educational videos. Second, you use of a morakniv in your Grow Your Own Groceries convinced me to try it out. It’s now my go-to knife for garden and kitchen. I even put one in my truck in my tool bag. Great knife, and you can’t beat the price.

  • Honky Tonk in TN says:

    The Morakniv is a great knife. Works well on caught fish and gutting a deer or a rabbit. Thus, for an outdoorsman it should be in the pack within arms reach should danger in the backwoods come into play.

    As for homesteading or out on the ranch, I find a good multi-tool to be the real winner. I can easily mend a fence on the go, adjust the chicken coop door to tighten down, open feed bags, cut the bale strands on hay, use the plyer jaws to pop ticks off the animals, fix the solar panels due to high winds after a storm, etc. The multi-tools blade is not a Morakniv due to it’s size and limited edge. Thus, both have their places.

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