
Grow a High-Performance Garden, Episode 32: “Frost in the Garden!”

Watch (and learn!) as Lynn Gillespie—an organic farmer for over 25 years and owner of The Living Farm in Paonia, CO—plans, plants, tends, and harvests a high-performance garden.

Click Here to Watch All Available Episodes

Lynn has a unique “learn along with me” garden teaching system. You will actually get to see everything she does in her garden for the entire season. Will she make it? Will the bugs get everything? Will the deer destroy her plants? Will sudden freezes or the burning summer sun wipe her out?

Lynn’s goal for her garden is to produce enough food so that she can eat something she’s grown every day for a year.

Follow along with the ups and downs of this experienced gardener. It will be just like being in the garden with her!

Catch the last episode of the season below.

Episode 32: “Frost in the Garden!”

This week, Lynn explores the effects a few low-temperature nights had on the garden. Some vegetables made it, while others clearly completed their growing cycle. And, as expected, the queen of the garden—the broccoli plant—made it through and is still producing.

You can access The Living Farm’s “What Can I Plant Today?” lists—divided by month from March through October—online here: https://thelivingfarm.org/high-performance-garden-show

Take your garden to the next level and sign up for the Abundance Garden Course, the official instruction manual for the High-Performance Garden Show.

Click on this link to start your garden adventure.

Use the coupon code TGN19 to get $50.00 off!

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This post was written by The Grow Network

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