Gardening Help Desk

Something eating your cucumbers? Why aren’t your tomatoes flowering? If you’ve got a question about your garden, let our Master Gardener, Leslie parsons, answer your questions.

Submit your questions in to Leslie with the form below:

**These should be food production related questions only. If you have a customer service issue or are experiencing a technical difficulty please use this page.

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Members, click here to sign in. Not a member yet?

The purpose of the membership area is to help you to grow, prepare, and preserve your own food and medicine.


(Visited 49 times, 1 visits today)


  • Jean Blair says:

    Not gardening this year, but am interested in your webinar on medicinal herbs. I don’t think I’m a member even though I have bought several of your products. Is your membership a total of $10. or is it $10. a month? Thanks

    1. Hi Jean,

      The membership is $10/mo. Right after the Home Medicine class, well be having a bio-intensive gardneing class. More coming after that.

  • JA Shadid Romero says:

    Is the link broken or not there to join the medicine 101 class?

    1. Please try again. Yes, we did have a problem for a short while. But it is fixed now.

      You’ll love the class.

      1. Fred Moore Jr says:

        Good Evening,
        I have just joined and was wanting to join the medicine 101 as well but I cant seem to get to the page for it.

        Fred and Crystal

        1. Hi Fred, the page will be at this link and will be ready by Monday. I am so glad you signed up! You’ll love it. Nicole is awesome – I’ve known her for many years. She is passionate about local sustainable medicine.

  • JA Shadid Romero says:

    I never got to join the 8 week class. I live way out in the boonies and have a terrible if any connection on cloudy rainy days. I became a member then tried for three days to get in and now the class has started yesterday. Is there any way I can still join? Please advise. I am so disappointed. JAM SR

    1. Jason Macek says:

      You should be able to access the class here:

      We are working on a smaller version of the video so it will stream better for those with slower internet connections.

  • Fred Moore Jr says:

    Help… LOL
    I live by a field and I am concerned about chemicals from the fields getting on my garden when I plant this year. What can I do to prevent this?

  • Leslie Parsons says:

    Hello Crystal –
    So called “drift contamination” is a huge problem in agriculture and gardening today. Let’s begin with a few questions: Do you know what the neighbor is spraying? If not, can you ask? How far is your garden from the fence line? What are you growing? Have you had any obvious impact from the spray? Is it possible to move your garden?
    Leslie Parsons