
Extreme Composting – How to Compost Everything

david-picking-peachesIf you don’t already know David the Good, then please allow me to introduce you. David is an interesting fellow – he’s a musician and a joker, and he’s got 30+ years of hardcore gardening experience under his belt. He practices what he likes to call “old-fashioned farming mixed with permaculture and lots of experimentation.” And we’re very happy to announce that David is going to be a regular guest writer for the [Grow] Network.

When it comes to composting, David is somewhat of a legend. His gardens in Florida consistently produce a lot of food – thanks in large part to his composting expertise. He has a reputation for being able to compost anything, and that’s the title of his new book, Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting.

compost-everything-the-good-guide-to-extreme-compostingIn Compost Everything, David covers the whole spectrum of composting including sheet composting, worm composting, melon pit composting, banana circle composting, compost crops, cow manure composting, chicken manure composting, and humanure composting. He even shares detailed instructions for making your own fish fertilizer. But this is not a composting textbook – it’s a casual, enjoyable read. David’s a great storyteller, and he shares several memorable tales from his own personal gardening experience.

This book is a great resource for veteran composters and newbies alike. As David says in the book, “If you hate the trash you create, this book is for you. If you’re a rule-breaker and a visionary, this book is for you. If you’re ready to grow the best gardens you’ve ever grown, this book is for you.”

David’s book is available in paperback through Amazon for $9.99 plus shipping. Or you can buy a Kindle copy for $3.62. As David’s partner, the [Grow] Network will receive a small percentage of any sales made through this promotion.

Click Here to Purchase Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting

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This post was written by Anthony Tamayo


  • nessmuck says:

    I love books, and I also love to know the number of pages, and page size.

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hello Nessmuck – 150 5″ x 8″ pages. Here’s some additional info:

      Product Details
      Paperback: 150 pages
      Publisher: Castalia House (April 28, 2015)
      Language: English
      ISBN-10: 9527065569
      ISBN-13: 978-9527065563
      Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.3 x 8 inches
      Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
      Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (44 customer reviews)

  • Mel says:

    This looks fantastic – and I loved the “David the Good” commentary, LOL. I think I will be purchasing this and if I like it, will write a review.

  • James Judd says:

    Humanure? I thought there was a disease you get from using human waste for compost?

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