
(Video) Everything You Need to Know about Saving Bean Seeds

Save Bean Seed Successfully

This video contains an abbreviated version of Seed Savers Exchange’s webinar on saving bean seeds. The video touches on lots of good information about growing, harvesting, and saving beans to replant the following season. The advice here is good for any legume, including common beans, peas, lima beans, cowpeas, fava beans, runner beans, and soybeans.


Bean plant, bearing flowers and beans

If you’ve ever had questions about when to take your beans, how to separate the beans from the pods, or how to store saved seeds – there’s some good information here to help you along.

I loved the example of a trellis shown in this clip, which is just a group of sticks tied together with twine. I’ve seen a million different attempts at trellises, but I often feel like the simplest trellises are the best looking and the most functional. This trellis is a great example.


Thanks to Seed Savers Exchange for the great video. You can learn more here: Seed Savers Exchange.

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  • Great video/post … bean seeds are so easy to save, and beans are very easy to grow. I had a neighbor tell me he grew 10 pole bean plants and after a while he had a hard time giving them away, he had so many. He said that in jest of course.

  • Janet says:

    Thank you for the very simple and basic HOW TO..for those who know always helpful to review and correct any developed bad habits. This info is a must for beginners..THANK YOU FOR SHARING.

    1. Michael Ford says:

      You’re welcome 🙂

  • JJM says:

    Good stuff. I’ll start testing the seeds with a hammer to verify if dried enough. Any large seeds are fairly simple to save but don’t think I’ll start stomping on them to separate from the pods. To remove chaff from Broccoli and other small seeds, I’ll often use a credit card like Cheech and Chong might use on their preferred product to separate the seeds. I have great difficulty with dechaffing tiny seeds as winnowing tends to blow away half my seeds – can we get an instructable for the more difficult savings??

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