Categories for Homesteading Skills
Post Apocalypse Hair Doo with Marjory Wildcraft
date_range March 03, 2013
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​Even if you know how to make soap, find out why you won’t be using it after ‘the If you’ve got a hair story, or home made recipe for shampoo
Do You Need a Gun to Garden?
date_range February 27, 2013
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Well guns aren’t really that useful for digging or anything like that. But do you need a gun if you are becoming self-reliant? Let me tell you a tru
How Far Out of Town Should a Survival Retreat Be Located?
date_range February 19, 2013
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Finding the Right Location for a Survival Retreat A lot of preppers are looking around for a good location in a rural area to establish a survival re
A Woman’s Perspective on Prepping
date_range January 29, 2013
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I've gotten lots of requests to write about a woman's perspective on prepping. Uh, what in the heck does that mean? Here is the beginning of tha
Gunshot WARNING: Maine Peg Tells Marjory Wildcraft Her Story
date_range January 27, 2013
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Think all those gunshot scenes on TV are even close to real? A single shot, which only landed on a harmless target, still managed to destroy a life. N