Categories for Homesteading Skills
Skills For The Hunter Gatherer Lifestyle
date_range January 21, 2014
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Did you ever dream about living as a wild hunter gatherer?  Someday (when the kids are off to college and this business become stable) I hope to go s
The 5 Minute Prepper #20: Bugging Out From Work
date_range January 16, 2014
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By Rob Hanus Most of us spend five out of the seven week days at work and typically during the daylight hours. Many disasters happen during the day.
(video) 4 Unique Uses Of A Lawn Mower
date_range January 14, 2014
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Want to get more out of your lawn mower?  Check out all the things you can do in this fun video.  Oh, and BTW, here is the link to that Disaster Sha
The 5 Minute Prepper #19: Fire Extinguishers – One of the Most Important Items for Your Home
date_range January 09, 2014
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By Rob Hanus One of the more scary things that can happen to you and your family is to have your home catch on fire. If you're not familiar with how
The 5 Minute Prepper #18: Improve Your Natural Night Vision
date_range January 02, 2014
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By Rob Hanus A nice, bright flashlight is hard to beat for finding your way in the darkness, but sometimes it would be preferable to not use a light