Categories for Homesteading Skills
Making Vinegar
date_range September 26, 2014
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If you're starting from scratch and not using a culture to speed the fermentation of alcohol into vinegar, your best bet is to start with an ingredien
Making Wine From Leftover Fruits And Vegetables
date_range September 23, 2014
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My method of making wine. I have been using this method for about 40 years and never had a failure yet. We took lessons from a master wine maker and
Homesteading Life At Honeybunny Farm Offers In Depth Medicine And Food Guidance
date_range August 29, 2014
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This is an entry in the 2014 Aug./Sept. writing contest with a combined prize value of over $1066.   Be sure to rate this article - your vote is im
Book Review: The Practical Prepper
date_range July 31, 2014
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I was recently sent a new book to review titled "The Practical Prepper: A Commonsense Guide to Preparing For Emergencies".  The authors Kylene and J
Frozen by Fear: It Could Happen To You
date_range July 13, 2014
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He turned the key in the lock and entered without turning on the light. It was his home for more than a decade and he knew his way around the house. A