Categories for Homesteading Skills
Extreme Agri-Tourism: Off the Grid with the Tarahumara Indians, Chapter 2
date_range January 12, 2016
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Hard Traveling / Extreme Agri-Tourism In the hotel in Los Mochis I was still keyed up from the excitement of the adventure and I decided to see what M
5 More DIY Probiotics – Kefir, Kvass, and Kombucha
Cat Wilson
date_range January 11, 2016
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[caption id="attachment_9097" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Cross-section of Red Cabbage Closeup[/caption] 5 More Great DIY Home Made Probiotics
Extreme Agri-Tourism: Off the Grid with the Tarahumara Indians, Chapter 1
date_range January 07, 2016
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Extreme Agri-Tourism I went to the presentation given by David Holladay with only mild curiosity. I figured it would be a pleasant way to spend an ev
Alternative Strategies for a Disrupted Water Supply
Anthony ..
date_range December 10, 2015
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What to Do When the Water Stops Running Most all of us have gotten up one morning or another, turned on the faucet, and gotten a big, fat nothing com
The 12 Days Before Christmas in a Mason Jar
date_range December 09, 2015
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Pass the 12 days before Christmas with these 12 sugar- & chocolate-free ideas. There are all kinds of advent calendar ideas out there, from simpl