Categories for Homesteading Skills
Product Review: The Meadow Creature Broadfork
David Th..
date_range May 20, 2016
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Meet the Meadow Creature Broadfork I really like tools, especially tools I can't break. When I'm gardening, I don't like to worry about handles snapp
How to Make Recycled Paper Fire Bricks
David Th..
date_range April 08, 2016
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See How It's Done My friends Kim and Bill recently showed me how to make recycled paper fire bricks, and they graciously allowed me to film their pro
How To Find Like Minded Neighbors & Build Self-Reliant Community
date_range March 31, 2016
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I've posted this up in response to a conversation in the Groups area with  Honors member Georgia Flynn.  Georgia is working to create more sustanabi
The Non-Toxic Weed Killer in Your Pantry
date_range March 29, 2016
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Before anyone gets upset because we're talking about herbicides, let me be clear: I definitely encourage people to allow weeds to grow in their yards
5 More Dehydrator Recipes for Home Growers
Cat Wilson
date_range March 25, 2016
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Dehydrator Recipes for Healthy Snacking Buying a dehydrator can be an investment.  But if you're someone who likes to eat healthy snacks, it's an in