Categories for Homesteading Skills
Surviving A Cold Night With Nothing But The Clothes On Our Backs
Marjory ..
date_range January 08, 2018
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“You have deep survival in your genes. All of your ancestors were survivors or you wouldn’t be here now,” David told us.
Planting a Living Fence (VIDEO)
David Th..
date_range January 02, 2018
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After a wandering bull ate my pigeon peas I realized I needed a fence -- quickly. Problem: I rent my property and really don't want to spend money on
7 Staple Crops for Northern Gardeners
David Th..
date_range December 04, 2017
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If you live in a cold climate and have to garden to feed yourself, what staple crops would you grow?
15+ Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Anthony ..
date_range October 04, 2017
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These 15+ simple, apartment-friendly lifestyle changes will help you conserve fuel, lessen trash production, reduce your carbon footprint -- and live
How To Teach Your Kids About Bugs
Melissa ..
date_range September 24, 2017
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Explore the world of bugs with your kids. Use his or her natural curiosity to teach him or her how to observe nature.