Categories for Health & Nutrition
10 Reasons You Need a Garden
David Th..
date_range January 20, 2020
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Gardening isn’t just a hobby for old people and eccentrics: It’s a skill everyone should practice. Here are 10 reasons you need a garden. (Yes, yo
Is the Flu Shot Really Effective?
Scott Se..
date_range January 16, 2020
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Is the flu shot really effective? Here's a look at some surprising statistics—straight from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Can You Regrow a Finger? (GRAPHIC)
Marjory ..
date_range November 30, 2019
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Can you regrow a finger? This article contains (graphic) images that prove it can be done.
Red Raspberry Leaf: Its Benefits and Uses
The Grow..
date_range November 15, 2019
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With its extremely high nutritional content, wide-ranging benefits for women's health, and ability to lower blood pressure and heal gums, red raspberr
Not Just Garnish: Kale Is an Easy-to-Grow Superfood for You and Your Livestock
David Th..
date_range September 16, 2019
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Kale is a top-notch, easy-to-grow food, medicine, animal supplement, and survival crop. Here's how to add it to your garden and your table.