Categories for Food Preservation
Are You Prepared? Do the Obvious!
date_range January 26, 2016
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Here in Oklahoma, and many parts of the Midwest, we had a glorious warm fall. Temperatures reached into the 70s each week and dipped only to lows in t
Turn Your Apple Harvest into Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar
date_range November 05, 2015
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Fall is abundant with many opportunities of harvest. One such opportunity for us in the Mitten State is the bountiful apple harvest. If you live in Mi
Storage Guidelines for Fruits & Vegetables
date_range November 03, 2015
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It's harvest time for many [Grow] Network members - and hopefully there is more food coming in than you know what to do with! Marjory sent me this ha
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth Safely in the Home, Garden, and More
date_range August 10, 2015
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We hear the letters "DE" being discussed at the feed store, in garden clubs, and in the online forums where many of us are members. But what exactly a
Have You Ever Wasted a Perfectly Good Tomato?
date_range July 12, 2015
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Never Waste Another Tomato You work long hours in the garden, pruning and picking at your plants in the sun and in the rain. You wrestle with countl