Categories for Building Community
6th Annual Bug Eating Festival Comes To Zilker Park
date_range May 15, 2013
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Are people in Austin so hungry they are eating bugs?  “Well, it does help if you come to the party having skipped lunch,” says Marjory Wildcr
Rewilding: Do You Want To Live As a Semi-nomadic Hunter / Gatherer? with Marjory Wildcraft
date_range March 05, 2013
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Marjory interviews a woman who lives as a semi-nomadic hunter gatherer. Pixy travels through the National forests, BLM land, and friendly ho犀利�
How Far Out of Town Should a Survival Retreat Be Located?
date_range February 19, 2013
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Finding the Right Location for a Survival Retreat A lot of preppers are looking around for a good location in a rural area to establish a survival re
How To Find The Perfect Survival Retreat, Farm, or Homestead With Marjory Wildcraft
date_range January 26, 2013
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RelocationShortcuts.com has the full report with the 3 steps to finding your perfect survival retreat, the 4 biggest threats you need to consider, the