
The MOST Useful Jacket Feature (Homesteading Basics)

My jackets tangle with barbed wire, animal claws, prickly plants, and all sorts of other rough-and-tumble things—so you’d better believe I have a few criteria I look for when I’m buying one.

For example, my jackets need to be made of really durable material, must have tough zippers and, obviously, need to keep me warm.

But there’s one more thing I look for in a jacket that’s non-negotiable. Many people don’t think to look for this feature, but for me, it’s absolutely mandatory.

Watch this 3-minute Homesteading Basics video to learn what it is:

Then, let me know in the comments: What do you look for in around-the-homestead clothing . . . and are there particular brands you recommend?

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


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