
Build Community In 9 Easy Steps … Even When You’re Raising Your Kids In A Barn!

Are you ready to build community in your life?

You know that question parents ask their kids when they chew with their mouths open, track mud through the house, or something like that? That thing about being raised in a barn?

Yeah, well, mine actually were.

It was a lot of fun when the kids were little, but it sort of started backfiring on Dave and me as they grew.

Because now, when I ask them incredulously, “Where are your manners? Were you raised in a barn?”

… They look at me innocently and say, “Well, yeah, Mom, as a matter of fact we were!”

I kind of blew it on that one, didn’t I? 😉

Still, despite literally living in a barn for a while when we first moved to our rural property, I wanted to get to know like-minded people.

  • People who wanted to grow their own food.
  • Who were resilient and self-reliant.
  • And who wanted the same deep connections I was hungering for.

For obvious reasons, I didn’t have a living room. And, honestly, since I had small kids, I wanted to maintain the ability to screen the folks who came into my home.

How did I address these community-busting challenges?

Well, I wasn’t sure what to do at first. But eventually, it came to me: I started hosting monthly events.

That may sound intimidating initially, but I show you just how simple—yet incredibly powerful!—it can be in my next video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From the Ground.

It really is a complete guide to hosting community-building events.

You’ll learn:

  • How To Grow A Community In 9 Easy Steps
  • 6 Safe, Inexpensive Venues For Getting Started
  • My Failproof Technique For Ensuring You Always Have Speakers
  • 12 Ways To Get The Word Out
  • The MOST IMPORTANT Item On The Refreshments Table

… And lots more!

Then, I’d love to hear from you!

What’s your favorite way to build community? Tell us in the comments below.

Thanks so much!



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This post was written by Anthony Tamayo


  • RAJ says:


  • Lara says:

    Nice homey presentation. I could have used this a few years ago while setting up community preparedness talks. I can’t emphasize the need for a user friendly venue and refreshments. We do socialize so much better with a cup in hand. Thanks so much. Lara

  • Lydia says:

    Hi there, I just warched your video on how to create comunity and think it is really useful for all kind of subjects. Thank you. I write after I have sone several of your videos which I like even so I have nothing near the subjectt … I live in Italy in the Hinterland of Mailand and just a little backjard to grow some herpes and vegies. I feel already lucky in our envirinment for this little ground. This just to let you know how useful I find your activity even I will never come near something like it. Howevef I work on a subject I think is the base of living well and that is PEACE. And ‘there is no way to peace but peace is the way” by Gandhi

  • Frank says:

    Very inspiring .well done marjory

  • Florida Babe says:

    Great Video Marjorie! In my previous career I organized many events and had not yet thought about using that model to create community. I always had simple food like you mentioned, and my meetings were well attended. Eventually members of the group took on roles, provided sponsors, and the group evolved to potluck or brown bag events.

  • Joyce Johnson says:

    Loved the video. Too bad I am an introvert. Glad to hear that you all made it through the storm safely.

    1. Joy Metcalf says:

      Being an introvert is not a show-stopper. I’m an introvert and have taught myself to be comfortable around other people, especially like-minded people. Often I say nothing, I just listen, but with those with whom I’m comfortable, I do open my mouth. Give it a try and enrich your life!

  • Rhonda Rae says:

    Amazing concept! I live in rural central Tennessee & have been wondering how to find other like-minded individuals. It would be nice to barter harden veggies since I am.limited in time for the size of my garden. I’ve also craved to have a “canning party” where we all bring our goods & supplies to support mass canning efforts in one day. My family used to do this when growing up in Indiana. My aunts & cousins would come from 1.5 hours away so that we could harvest our apple & cherry trees. The kitchen & breezeway was a bustle of shared efforts to can for the entire family. Good memories!

  • Jacqueline Weisser says:

    We’re due to move into a unit of holiday units at the coast, as our permanent home. Rule is no one is allowed to grow anything in the garden. Any area outside the building including the walls belongs to the body corporate and one has to have permission for any activity that could affect it. We will need to build community for sure. We are presently not growing food, except for the odd crop. Presently parsley. Dandelions in the lawn… I’m sure we can use your ideas, but require even less expensive ways as we have no secure income. We are interested in healthy nutritious food (no or less chemicals), and the only food we might be able to produce is some sprouts, and may make some sauerkraut from vegetables bought at the local farmer’s market (about 25 km away).

  • Adrienne says:

    Well done. All very good ideas. I have been the speaker at such affairs. Growing food and medicine, survival skills, and foraging have been topics of interest. Most people seem interested in learning skills our ancestors took for granted. salves and tinctures seem to be and easy place to start. Have had people want to learn how to make cheese or bread. Fermenting is now a popular topic. We never hosted an event. We just placed a sign out front advertising veggies and eggs. Community built from there. I really like your idea and wish we had done something like that.


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