
4 Reasons Biodynamic Farming Is Better

Update 04/30/2021: We now sell biodynamically grown herbs in our TGN store! Click here to explore the collection!

You’ve probably heard about biodynamic farming and biodynamically grown crops, but what does “biodynamic” mean, really?

In this video, biodynamic farmer Stephanie Syson explains the concept, 4 ways biodynamic farming goes beyond organic farming—and why, in biodynamics, “everything matters.”

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This post was written by The Grow Network


  • harpiano says:

    Bio dynamic gardening is so critical in Hawaii as once you clear any lava for growing the weeds especially vining weeds come with a vengeance I’ve ever seen anywhere. I’ve gardened in Az, Ak & Hawaii. So keeping a lush full growing area is critical to keeping weeds at a minimum. I have been finding the herbs & “cover plants” to intersperse & plant with my veggies. Rudolph Steiner’s teachings; I have studied for 40 years and he’s totally right with bio dynamics.

  • deejcve says:

    This was very interesting. I think I want to study more about it.

  • T. Michael Smith says:

    One of the ways I find biodiversity to apply to my way of gardening is in the whole idea of a lawn. My farm is small, it sits on 2 acres of awfully hard red clay and bedrock, with Bermuda grass everywhere. I don’t want a lawn to now. It requires the use of fossil fuels. It is time consuming, and it doesn’t provide much nutrients for my goats, ducks, chickens, and certainly not my family. We just bought this farm in July. It is beginning to look like a farm because of the work we put in it, but it still resembles a little bit of a regular home. However we have a pasture for the livestock fenced. I am working on turning beds into gardens. I know the soil isn’t good so I have begun feeding humus to the soil. Also I am beginning to seed for green manure and to give the livestock something healthier to eat. I am seeding crimson, white, and sweet yellow clover. It will grow longer in the cooler months and assist in breaking the soil while providing nitrogen back into a depleted soil. I am showing the earth that I love it and want it to thrive.

  • harpiano says:

    you should try it. You’ll love how the weeds go away!

  • teachercaryn says:

    Hello. Applying biodynamics in our gardens nutrients and to the soils have incredible effects. Thank you Stephanie and to Marjorie

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